Thirty Three

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-such a pretty face on a pretty neck-

-she's driving me crazy-

When Saturday arrived, Vena got ready for Quidditch tryouts. She missed wearing her uniform, and smiled when she saw herself in the mirror. Putting on her uniform was like greeting an old friend.

She was grateful that she had decided to bring her broom to school, because she did not want to have to go through the process of ordering one. Vena could've asked her mother to send it, but she doesn't like the idea of Death Eaters or Aunt Bella reading that Vena requested a broom.

For most Pure-blood families, they believed that Quidditch was a men's sport. Women were not to participate in Quidditch, as it was more masculine and unattractive.

Thankfully, her father disregarded this, and wanted Vena to be amazing at everything. Being a Quidditch fanatic, her father was not going to allow his own daughter to not become a good player.

When the twins were younger, her father would spend time in the backyard teaching her and Draco various Quidditch moves while her mother worried dotingly from the gazebo.

She smiled as she recalled the great memories of learning how to play Quidditch when she was younger. Vena knew that she was not going to become a professional Quidditch player. She knew that she wasn't good enough.

But Quidditch made her happy.

Her happiness soon vanished when greeted by her brother in the Great Hall. Vena was innocently eating her porridge, when the slam of pale hands startled her.

"Why are you playing Quidditch?" He demanded.

Vena rolled her eyes. "Calm down Draco, you're acting as if I killed your puppy or something."

He glared at her.

"I'm playing because it's fun. As you know, this might be my last year on the face of the planet," she said, whispering the last sentence harshly.

Draco flinched. "You know I'm working on it. I won't let you die,' he whispered.

Vena smiled half heartedly at her brother. She ruffled his hair, in order to create a rise out of him. "I know, Draco. I do believe you will get the job done. But I still want to do what makes me happy. If there is a slim chance that something may happen to me, I want to die knowing that I spent my last year here happy."

Her brother nodded, before leaning over the table. "Have you found the spell yet?"

She shook her head. "No, but I did find a book that I think contains it. It's called Transporting Objects and their Purposes. Quite informative, if you ask me. I'll finish reading it over tonight."

He smiled, stole a green apple off the table, and left the hall.

Vena frowned at his quick change in emotions, but brushed it off to his usual dramatics. Vena shrugged to herself and finished the last few bites of her breakfast, and headed to the pitch.

When Vena got there, she thought there had to be some mistake. She was stunned at the amount of students that were trying out. She knew for a fact that a third of them were in Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw, most likely wanting a chance to see the Chosen One up close. It wasn't just those trying out though, there was a rather large audience sitting in the Quidditch stands.

Vena walked over to stand near Ron and Ginny, the latter who smiled at her warmly, while the former looked like he was going to vomit.

"What's wrong with him?" She asked, looking pointedly at Ron.

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