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-you knew the game and played it-

-it kills to know that you have been defeated-

Vena was worried for her first match.

She knew she was pretty good, but her partner lacked so much talent she was more worried for her safety than her Quidditch abilities. She perhaps wasn't as good as the twins, nor talented enough to be a professional player, but the whole school had extremely low expectations for Gryffindor, so maybe Vena would do better than most thought.

At least she hoped she would do well today. It would be extremely embarrassing if today was the day she would choke.

It was Gryffindor versus Hufflepuff, which would normally be easy. But after the loss of Cedric, the Hufflepuff team has been finding difficulty with another great leader. Their new Seeker wasn't too terrible, but she didn't have the charisma and natural talent that Cedric had.

However, Hufflepuff was definitely the team that would be winning, for the Gryffindor team didn't hold much favor.

And Draco was eager to remind his sister of that fact.

"You do realize that your first Quidditch match will be you losing, correct?" Draco remarked.

Vena rolled her eyes, as this was the tenth time Draco has made a comment about her team's abilities this morning.

And it was only nine am.

"Fuck off you ferret," Vena said snapped.

Draco sighed dramatically. "Just stating the truth. Don't worry though, at least you'll be better than Wesley."

"Please do not bother to sing today. I'm on the team now, you can't humiliate me like you do with everyone else." Vena said sharply.

Her brother nodded, knowing to not say anything when Vena uses her sharp tone. It means not to go against her. "Good luck out there."

Vena smiled as they made their way to the Great Hall. "Thank you, Draco." She ruffled his hair, having to stand on her tiptoes to do it.

They walked over to Blaise and Theo, the latter having no problem booing at her. Draco and Blaise had tried a little bit to support Gryffindor, or as much as they could manage. Both boys had jumpers that said 'Malfoy' on the back in gold lettering.

There was no red.

Vena didn't mind though, as she knew that was as much support they would give to Gryffindor. Theo on the other hand, was wearing green and silver, despite Slytherin not playing.

"Shut up, Theo. This is why you can't play," Vena snapped, rolling her eyes at her ex.

Theo shrugged. "I don't care. I refuse to support Gryffindor."

"You know, Nott, I always thought that Gryffindor would be your secondary house. To be honest, I'm surprised Vena is the one the Sorting Hat fucked up and not you," Blaise said, smirking at the boys disgust.

"Don't go there, Zabini. Don't even think about it," Theo warned. He turned to Vena, his eyes looking at her Quidditch uniform in disgust. "So, I'm thinking five galleons. Now that your on the team they might not be so terrible. Although I don't think anything can help Weasley's Keeper abilities."

Vena stretched out her hand in agreement. "Alright, five galleons."

About ten minutes later, she had bid her friends goodbye and headed down to the pitch.

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