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-Beautiful Boy-

-I can hardly wait, to see you come of age-

-but I guess we'll both just have to be patient-

Vena Malfoy knew her brother was disappointed with going to Hogwarts instead of Durmanstrang.

At the time, she was also saddened by the fact that she wouldn't be attending Beauxbatons, but she liked that she got to go to school with her brother.

Although Vena was the first born, Draco was the one who was more outgoing.

He was the one who befriended people faster, one of those being Theo Nott. Along the years through various get togethers with the more respected families of the Sacred Twenty-Eight, the twins had made many friends.

Vena, Draco, Theo, Pansy, Crabbe, and Goyle, all planned on being in Slytherin together. Crabbe and Goyle couldn't necessarily hold the most intellectual conversation, and Pansy focused more on Draco, the kids had formed their own group.

It was difficult for Vena to make her own friends. She heavily relied on her brother to do the talking, as Vena liked to be in her own world most of the time. Being a natural born occlumens, Vena was much more quiet. She would often space out of  conversations, and go through her mind, sorting through memories.

She did it so often that most people wouldn't even detect that she spaced out, not unless she were close to them. It was her favorite thing to do when her father would lecture her and Draco on their poor behavior.

And while Vena loved her brother, he did have his flaws. He was incredibly bossy, and would dominate their playing time growing up. He constantly needed attention, whether it be from her, or their parents, or their friends.

A moment the attention was not on Draco was a moment wasted. And deep down, Vena had the most vain, selfish thought.

She wondered what it would be like if she weren't always with her brother. While making new friends sounded terrifying, the thought of doing something herself without her brother's support thrilled her.

Vena and Draco have always been attached at the hip, since the moment they were born. but perhaps that was the problem. Perhaps the twins were so self reliant on each other that they didn't know how to function without the other. And that didn't sound like the healthiest of relationships to Vena.

"Are you coming with us, Vi?" a voice asked, pulling Vena out of her thoughts.

While being a natural occlumens, Vena didn't have the most control. She could find herself in her thoughts for hours at a time without even knowing. It takes a few moments for her to settle herself back in reality, and get a grasp in her surroundings.

Taking in her surroundings, she was on the Hogwarts Express, although she already knew that. She was leaning against the window, with Theo next to her, and Pansy on the other side of him. Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle were standing at the door, looking at her expectantly. She deduced that her brother was the one to ask her the question. Vena really needed to get more control on it.

Her mother said that if she didn't control it soon, her mind won't be able to handle emotional situations and she will be closed off. She won't have empathy, and she won't be able to forge deep connections.

Vena had a feeling that the connections thing was already becoming a problem, as it has already been proven she can't make friendships without her brother's help. She would need to ask Snape to help her control her mind.

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