Thirty Nine

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-When The Party's Over-

-don't you know i'm no good for you-

-i've learned to lose you can't afford to-

Vena didn't want to go to the party. She would be seeing Harry, but they couldn't do the things they would want to do in public. Both of them knew this of course, that if they were to start doing whatever they were doing, they would have to keep it a secret.

And while at times it was incredibly fun, it sucked that they had to always be on edge when with each other in public.

Nonetheless, Vena wanted to look good. Not just so she could make Harry speechless; she wanted to look pretty.

She put on a short, black dress, that hung off the shoulders with mesh, long sleeves. The bodice cinched at the waist, and flowed out to give her a nice figure. It left just the right amount of cleavage, and hung just above mid thigh.

Vena smiled to herself as she looked in the mirror. She never was one to dwell too much on her looks, as she didn't want to draw that much attention to herself. But Vena felt pretty.

And it felt nice to feel pretty.

Her and Harry decidedly did not walk in together, as it would be extremely suspicious.

Hermione left a while ago, saying she had to meet up with her date, that Vena nor Harry knew who it may be. She tried to get it out of Hermione during Transfiguration, but the girl wouldn't budge.

It was incredibly frustrating, and reminded Vena when she would try and get Blaise to spill the details of his crush. Trying to get either of them to spill their secrets was useless, which Vena did not appreciate.

Vena curled her hair, wrapping each lock around her wand and casting a warming charm so the curl would hold. She put on makeup, and put on her heels, which were also black. She took her time with things, as she had decided to attend the party a few minutes late, so it gave her time to calm her nerves.

It was also to make sure she was not alone in the room with just Professor Slughorn.

She didn't want to look him in the eye after knowing her might get blamed for Dumbledore's death. She couldn't look him in the eye knowing that on Christmas day, he will give the poisoned oak mead to Dumbledore, killing him.

She just hoped that a bystander won't be in harm's way because of her and Draco. She didn't want somebody to be hurt like Katie Bell was.

A few days ago, the poison had completed. Vena and Draco snuck through the portrait, and into Three Broomsticks. They delivered the poison, and watched Madam Rosmerta mix it in with a mulled Oak Mead, and was given explicit instructions on what to do.

The next time Madam Rosmerta was to see Professor Slughorn, which for him would most likely be the next day, she was to convince him that he should purchase the wine for a Christmas present.

The reason why the twins chose him as their middle man was simply because he was a bit clueless. He was the type to not check things, and to trust people that seemed trustworthy.

He and Dumbledore were very good friends, so it wouldn't be strange for Slughorn to gift him the wine. Hopefully, everything would go according to plan. Hopefully, no one would get hurt.

She made her way to Slughorn's office, which was filled with Christmas decorations and had a multitude of influential people. She recognized a few of them from the Ministry, as her dad would have to take her and Draco there sometimes.

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