The abused girl Part 6

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Hey guys, sorry about not uploading. I think I'm going to start p.o.v soon as well. I also want at least 5 votes and 10 comments on this chapter, or I won't upload. I know I sound mean but when I get people showing me they like my story it make me want to continue. When I receive nothing at all then it puts me off writing. And I'm sure you don't want me to end the story do u? Any way less of me whining and onto the story lol hope you guys enjoy it!

Chapter 6:


Three tall and muscular men walked in my room. They came over to me and looked at me with an evil grin on their face.

"Who are you? What do you want?" I said with my voice quivering.

"We my dear child are here on an errand for somebody who wants to speak with you. Now get up!"

"No you can't just take me! My mum and dad will be back soon and they will know I've gone and will be worried. LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" I bolted over my bed and out my room door. I tried going downstairs but I was too late. They grabbed me by my hair and punched me in the side of my head.

"You will do as your told you nasty girl!" That was all I had heard before my vision blacked out



I woke up with a pounding headache and  wondered where I was. I opened my eyes to see darkness. Panicking I had suddenly thought I had gone blind. I started waving my arms and legs around to find I was in a confined space. Where the hell was I? I racked my brains to think about where I was and what had happened and then it hit me! I remember being hit in the head and what happened at my house. Oh my goodness! I thought it was all a nightmare that I'd dreamt up. Well obviously that explains why my head hurts and probably why I'm in such a dark, cramped space.  I started listening to see if I could hear anything other than my very noisy thoughts. That's when I heard muffled voices and then a whooshing sound. It was like if we was in a car and another car had flown past it. Then it clicked. I was in a car boot! Before I realised what I was doing I screamed as loud as I could Hoping somebody was walking past. I knew that the car I was in wasn't moving because I couldn't feel any movement. I hadn't a clue where I was or who those guys were who took me from my home.

The next thing I knew the boot opened  and recognised the guy as the one who had hit me in my head. I think he may have been the one in charge because I remember the other 2 following what he said to them.

"Ah so you're awake then? Good because we have a little place we need to walk to" the guy said roughly. He grabbed the top of my arm forcefully and yanked me out of the boot.  As I quickly scanned around my surroundings I figured I didn't know where I was. I'd never seen a place like this in my life. We was in the middle of nowhere and all I saw was stretches after stretches of trees, foliage and the long road that we was on.  I was told to walk but yet they seemed to think I wasn't capable of doing it because they practically dragged me along with them.

"Where are we going? Why have you taken me?"

"You ask too many questions! Can't you just stop whining like a little bitch?!"

"Well I am sorry Mr bossy boots! I didn't know it was such a crime to complain to my kidnappers who by the way have taken me against my will. So no! I want to know why the heck you've taken me and who it is that is causing me all this trouble!" I had enough and I snapped at them. I didn't ask for them to take me and i certainly never wanted any of this. I was so frustrated with them that I never noticed we had reached where we was going. In front of me there was a shabby looking building. It had old vines growing up it, the windows were smashed and the roof had major holes in it. As it was dark outside I couldn't really see much apart from things that were about a foot in front of me. We entered the run down place or should I say they entered and I was brutally pushed through the old door.

They quickly picked me back up though and led me to and old wooded chair. As one guy did that one of the other lit a candle and the other fetched some rope along with some thick tape. Now I panicked. I knew they had something planned for me but I thought they told me that somebody wanted to see me? I struggled against the man's grip but it was no good. Every time I tried pulling away to try escape from him it sent pains through my arm.

"Let me go! I want to go home please!" I begged them. My sobbing was uncontrollable now. I was frightened but they didn't care. As far as they were concerned I was just another job to them. I wondered what was going to happen to me and why they were doing this? I guess I wouldn't find out any time soon. The thought of not seeing my mum and my friends again sent more quivering sobs out of my mouth and tears now freely dropped down my eyes.

They took my weakness as a sign that I wouldn't put up a fight and they was right. I was so wrapped up in being scared and alone that I didn't bother trying to get away from his grip. As I helplessly flung around they guy landed me on the chair I had seen. They taped up my mouth along with my feet around each chair leg and my arms behind it. They then carried on making sure I would get out of it by wrapping rope around my whole body. I couldn't move at all. I could only just breathe as they left a small part of my nostrils out of the tape. I knew I had to stop panicking and stop the tears. I had to stay focused but I just couldn't.

"Right Jessie you'll be staying here tonight. Yes I do know your name. In fact I know a lot about you. My name is Jeff. Just in case you're wondering why I'm telling you my name then it's because I know you quiet well. It's enough for me to hate you and help out the person who asked me. Anyway enough with my chit chat. You'll find out soon enough who wants to see you." Jeff spoke in a calm way, which unnerved me slightly. Why would he hate me? I've never seen this guy before or the other two baboons he had with him!

As they blew out the lit candle they started to leave the house. I screamed a muffled scream and tried to wrestle my way out of the rope. It wasn't going to work I knew that but they can't just leave me here I thought. It was cold, dark and damp. What if it starts to rain during the night? I would be soaked and freezing and I would probably catch pneumonia by the time they came for me again! I didn't know how long I was going to be kept here. What if they left me for a few days? This wasn't fair. I hadn't done anything wrong to anybody for them to hate me enough to do this and whatever else they had planned to me. Please god help me!




I must have managed to drift off to sleep through the night as when I opened my eyes there was daylight. I hoped and prayed that Jeff would hurry up. He's the only one who knows where I am. I needed to move as my legs are aching from not moving them. My wrists was sore from me trying to get out of the tape. I had to wait and wait until finally I heard Jeff's voice. The next thing I knew he opened the door and grinned evilly.

"Are you ready to meet one of the people who wants to talk to you? Well it's tough if you're not" he laughed at me and turned to the door to gesture in the other person. I didn't have a clue if they are male or female. As a shadow appeared at the door I knew it was time for me to see who wanted me like this so badly.

As the guy walked in the door my eyes shot open so much. I was shocked that they didn't fall out of their sockets. He walked over to me and ripped off the tape from my mouth. I winched as he laughed at me.

I was so surprised at who it was and I angrily shouted his name.


There you go guys, are you shocked it's him? And why?

Remember, I want at least 5 votes on this chapter and at least 10 comments, when you guys give me that then you can have the next chapter!

Hope u enjoyed it!!


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