The abused girl part 2

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Chapter 2:

I arrived at Jade's house in a matter of minutes. Her house was only a couple of streets away from mine. I was glad to be out that place I called home. We pulled into her drive and I looked at my mum. 

"Jessie listen about your dad, I know he can be hard to handle but he loves you and he's trying to protect you from things that's all." 

"Mum I know. I need to go now please. Jade's waiting for me."

"Ok bye sweety and have a nice time." she said as she gave me a quick kiss and hug.

I got out of the car and walked up to Jade's door. Before I even got into her house I could hear loud music and rowdy people. I smiled at the thought of a party.  I am the kind of person who liked socialising and having a good time. I'd say I'm the popular girl but I aren't the slutty/bitchy type. I get along with most people and I hate bullies. Jade on the other hand is a party animal. She has certain standards. People have to be either smartly dressed and fun loving or popular and rich. Sometimes I don't like the way she is with people but she's her own boss.

I walked through her front door and was greeted by alcohol and smoke smell. I hate smoking but I do accept alcohol. As if on cue of me thinking that, Jade appears with 2 shots of Sambuca and 2 bottles of beer. 

"Jessie!!!! Finally you show your face. Here get this down you then chase it with this beer." she laughed as she handed me the shot and beer. We both gulped down the alcohol and started giggling. 

"Thanks Jade. So tell me then, who's at this party?"

"Well there's mostly people you do know and I don't know why but there's a few even I don't no."


"Well if you mean is Jason here then yeah he's here...." she said to me looking like she just hurt my feelings. My ex Jason was the best boyfriend ever. Or at least so I though until me and Jade came back from a girly night to catch him in bed with another girl. I quickly stopped thinking about it. I didn't want to bring the past back up.

"Hey Jessie? Snap out of it. Don't worry he won't bother you while I'm around." Jade flashed me a sympathetic smile. I smiled back and we both headed to meet and greet people. I think Jade really wanted to see who the random people were. After a while and a few more beers down my neck I was dancing on the dance floor. I was enjoying myself until Jason gazed in my direction. I mentally rolled my eyes and walked away from the dance floor and out into the garden. I didn't want to see Jason. It had only been a couple of month since I found out and I couldn't deal with him as well as what I'm going through at home.

I sat down on a beach chair next to the pool wrapping my arms around me. Desperately trying to shield the cold air from my skin. It helped but not much. I was watching as people danced and drank their way to oblivion. I couldn't see Jade anywhere so I just sat and relaxed. Being with my friends helped me deal with what I was going through. Nobody knew but I reckon Jade had an idea that something was wrong. I'm quieter than normal these past few months but she's never questioned me about it.

I shuddered at the cold breeze. I stood up and pulled my dress down a little and turned to go back inside. I was so deep in my thoughts I never spotted Jason standing at the doorway watching me.

"Jess...I just want to say I'm really sorry for what I did to you...I..."

"Don't! I don't want to hear it Jason. You think you can hurt me like you did then say sorry and all is forgiven?? Newsflash little're a nobody. Even my little toe's more of a somebody than you!" my voice was dripping with venom and I flashed a wicked smile at him and stormed out of his way.

I searched the house for Jade but I couldn't find her downstairs. This house was huge. So I decided to go upstairs to which I made a detour to the bathroom as my head was pounding. I really wasn't sure if it was from my dad doing what he did to me or because of the music and all the beer I had drank. I figured that it was a mixture of both. I looked through the bathroom cabinet for a painkiller. It was a stupid idea when I've been drinking but my body needed it to kill the pain from my head. No luck though as I didn't find any.

Walking out of the bathroom I spotted Jade...she appeared to be coming out of the master bedroom with some guy I didn't recognize so I walked to her and smiled. 

"Hey! So where have you been?! And erm excuse me Jade but who is this?"

"Jess meet Carl, Carl meet Jess. And honestly Jess u act like my mother ha-ha I've been erm, talking with uh Carl about uhh things." she stuttered. I rolled my eyes at her and give her a 'I-don't-believe-you' look.

""Right well it's now 2:30am. I'm grabbing a taxi and heading home. Ciao Jade." I walked away from her before she could say anything. I didn't want to go back home but my mum was there so I wasn't giving it much thought. Besides I was more than tipsy so at this moment. I felt a little bit like wonder woman. I chuckled to myself at the image of me in a blue and red leotard and red cape.

I flagged a taxi down outside Jade's. I hopped inside and told the driver my address. Mmm I hope I have my keys I though as I rummaged through my bag trying desperately to find them...oh no I didn't pick them up on the way out! I slapped my forehead cursing myself. How could I be so stupid. Now I have to knock my parents up. I'm hoping my dad's knocked out and my mum answers.  If not then I'm in for a massive lecture or probably even more. 

The taxi pulled up outside my house. I was shocked as the living room light was on and a shadow at the window. Oh my god, I seriously hope it's not him.....


hey guys, whoevers read this so far PLEASEEE stay with it lol it's my first story and i really want to carry it on so if you guys don't let me know how the story is so far then i won't know where to correct it ha-ha

Sooo COMMENT, VOTE, FAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks to you guys who read the 1st chapter xx


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