The Abused Girl Chapter 25

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Paul’s P.O.V

I decided it was time to high tail it back to the log cabin and let everyone know what's just happened. I have been stupid but I had to do it, didn't I? Yes...of course it had to be done. What if she woke up and told people what I had done? On the other hand what the hell is going to happen when Marie gets home? No, do not start panicking now Paul! It looks like an accident, I made it so it would be passed off as an accident so I shouldn't worry...or should I?

As soon as I had my drink I got myself into my truck and drove away as fast as I could without no one thinking something was wrong. That's the last thing I needed right now. As I was driving along the highway I got caught up on my thought's. I knew what I had done was wrong. Badly wrong. I also knew I was completely bad and a horrible person but I never in a million year's thought I was a killer. I can't even believe I have gotten that low and done something like that. I'm even worse off now with Betty dead than I ever was with her remembering what had happened. All these secrets and lies and for what? All for the cause to stop Marie finding out about Jade.

I couldn't wrap my head around it. I didn't want to hurt Marie but murdering her mother is so much worse than having a love affair child. I shook my head away and carried on driving. I wasn't that far away from the cabin now and the adrenaline was slowly building inside me.

Jade's P.O.V

This is so boring. I mean how long does it take to sort his crap out anyway? I want some fun and some closure on this whole deal with me, Jessie and Paul. I don't really care if she was the first born. He loved my mother and if it wasn't for that bitch Marie, we would have been a family from day one. How can he love someone when he clearly stated he loved my own mum? The more I thought about it, the more I got myself wound up. I hope he finishes Marie and her interfering hag of a mother. All of us together will deal with Jessie. Once everything is sorted then I will have my dad back without him running back and forth like a headless chicken to Marie.

I sighed and turned around in bed to face Jeff sitting in the chair opposite me.

"Hey, what do you make of all this? one thing I have never asked you is what you're doing here? I don't mean it badly but you don't know Jess or anyone here but Paul...So just what's your game?"

"Let's just say I have a debt to settle with paul. Some time ago we ended up doing this job for someone else. Thing's ended up going majorly wrong and he took the fall for my mistakes. It's not something I wanted to do but my mistake in the past cost us heavily so in turn when he asked me to do this job I had to agree." Jeff looked doom and gloom as he spoke about his past. Yet that brought up more questions in my mind rather than the answers I were looking for.

"Wait so your saying my dad took the fall? For what though? I haven't ever known him to ever be in trouble with the police let alone be in jail. I think I would have known when he went missing for a long period, don't you think?"

"Look it doesn't really matter how or who with. Let's just say he went in white and came out a completely different looking man. I don't want to hear anymore about it!" And with that he looked away, I could still see some of his face though and from that view I saw he went a nice shade of maroon from some emotion. I wasn't sure if it was anger or the pain from the memories that caused it but I didn't want to find out.

"Jeff...Let's forget about it ok. I'm sorry I asked. Come on,  get in here with me and relax huh?" I asked him tentatively.  He obliged too, as next thing I see was him getting up and getting into the bed with me. He laid on his side and just watched me. I saw his eyes start flickering and becoming droopy and before I know it he was asleep. I let my mind wander away for a short and thought Jason can keep watch tonight. I felt myself doze off too, next to Jeff feeling the most contented I have ever felt since we started this journey.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2014 ⏰

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