The abusd girl chapter 22

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Jason's pov:

I heard Jeff enter the door and walk up the stairs, I knew he was here to see me so I opened the room door and greeted him. He had the look about him that said "I'm the hotshot who took your girlfriend". Like I care anyway, that slut isn't worth my time and she's nowhere near like Jessie bear, in fact she is not even worth the dirt under her shoe; so if Jeff wants her, he can sure as hell take her. Considering this was my plan all along anyway, he's just played right into it.

"I know what you saw, and I heard what you said. You're just going to end it with her? Just like that huh?" He snapped his fingers as an added point.

"I also heard what you and Jade was talking about, all that flirting. All the actions that go along with it. Hey, who am I to come in between you both huh? Simple facts remain; I know full well you enjoyed seeing me split with her Jeff, as I also know its what you wanted. I've seen the way you watch her, hang off her every word and little quirky touches to you. Do you want her? I think you do. So don't let me stop you. Me and jade are officially over, and when all this is over and done with I'm outta here. So go ahead, knock yourself out!" I sarcastically told him. Walking past him I patted his shoulder and chuckled. He spun and grabbed my arm looking confused.

"Why would you just hand her over? I don't believe for one second, that you don't want her. And if what you speak of is the truth, then you're up to something. I can feel it in my bones Jason and trust me when I say I will find out what that something is." I yanked my arm out of his vice like grip, rubbing the red mark away. If he wants to play like this, then game on. He's just another I will have to deal with to get Jessie outta this place and back home where she belongs.

I stormed out of the room and headed straight outside to fresh air. God only knows that I need some space to figure things out. Luckily enough I grabbed the car keys from the side before I opened the main door. Jogging to the car, I ripped the door open, jumped in and quick as a flash reversed back and slammed the accelerator down, and headed away from the dreaded cabin in the woods.

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