The abused girl part 4

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Hey guys! Sorry it's been a while since i last uploaded. The work on my house has been done and as promised i have uploaded the 4th chapter, yay!!

sooo hope you enjoy it!!

Thanks to everyone who has commented/voted and fanned. It means a lot and makes me want to continue my story.

Chapter 4:


In my room was a folded piece of paper with red writing on looked like my lipstick? I walked to where it was placed, on my clean clothes and unfolded it. What I read sent shivers down my spine.....I started crying and let out a whimper. If I wasn't scared before, I certainly am now.........

The note read in big capital letters 'Watch yourself, 'cos if you don't then, I know I already am....P.S if you don't know who I am then you will soon see. Be a good little girl Jess, not that it's going to do you any good'

My first thoughts was that it was my dad. The facts of why I was thinking that is because it was my lipstick that had been used to write the note,l. Not only that but he had access to the whole house, let alone my bedroom. The note also said that there watching me and to be a good little girl. There the words my dad says to me a lot. Then again I just couldn't get my head around the note saying if I didn't know who they was I will soon see. That didn't sound anything like my dad. If he was the one to write it then surely he wouldn't write that as he would know that I would figure out he was the one to write the note.

I stopped thinking about it. I had to for my own sanity. I wiped the tears away from my wet face and stood up. I took a deep breath to calm myself and then put my clothes on and walked out of my bedroom, down the stairs and into the kitchen for a drink.

Nobody was home but there was a small post it note on the door of the fridge. It read 'Honey, me and your dad have gone to see your grandma. We won't be back until later tonight. Love you xx' 

Great news for me, I don't have to face my mum or him after seeing that paper in my room. Today can just be for friends, relaxing or I may just even go see my horse's down at my friend Layla's stables.  

I decided I'll go see Jade and we can relax down at the stables with Layla. May as well get some fun in while the parents aren't home I thought. And I don't have to worry about when they will be back or worry about how my dad's going to be with me. I sighed a contented sigh and grabbed my riding boots, looking forward to the day ahead. I pulled out my cell phone and called Jade.


"Hey Jade, it's me Jess, obviously. I was wondering if you fancy coming down the stables with me and taking one of the horses out with Layla today."

"Ooooh well I kind of promised my mum I'd help her out with the shopping and house work done. Want me to see if I can get out of it?"

"Nah, if you promised her then you can't leave her to do it all on her own. Maybe some other time, yeah?"

"Yeah sure thing babe. I'll ring you later on, see what you're doing. Bye Jess"

"Yeah bye" And with that we hung up. I called a cab and grabbed my riding boots, my house keys and whatever else I needed with me. Just as I'd placed my items into my back pack, the cab turned up. I locked the door and headed for it and got in.

"Three acres stables please" I told the driver. As we were driving to the stables, the mornings events had me thinking again. It was bugging me as to who it could be. I racked my brains to think if I had any enemies that would hurt me or even get into my house. The problem was I didn't have any, well not that I would understand why they would do it even if I did have enemies.

About 10 minutes later the cab pulled into the stables, I paid the guy and got out. I looked over to the few girls who were stood around in a group, chatting away without a care in the world. I wished my life was as easy as they show there's is. All I ever wanted was a good family life. I wasn't ever bothered about having money or being popular. For as long as I can remember, I knew I always wanted to meet my real dad. Now though all I wish for is that I never met him, it's true what the saying goes, 'What you don't have, you don't miss." I'm beginning to think I should have listened to that saying now. I wouldn't be in this situation if I had of listened. Oh well even though he's like that with me, there's no point in dwelling of if's and but's.

"HEYYYY!!!!!" I laughed as Layla bounded towards me.

"Hey you, are you alright? And how's my horse's?"

"Well missy, maybe if you come up here more often you would know wouldn't you?! But never the less, come on, I'll take you to them."

"I know where they are silly. There in the front set of stables 'cos you know they like there sun shining through. Especially knight." I told her, confused at why she would act like I don't know where my own horses are. I followed her anyway, as we walked to up to the stables. I noticed she was heading behind them.

"Umm Layla? Where we going? I thought I left my horses at the front set of stables..."

"Yeah you did. I have a something to show you though. Now wait here and close your eyes." I did as I was told and closed them, I wonder what she's up to.

"Right don't open your eyes. Just let me guide you ok" Layla said as she put her hands around the top of my arms and guided me. I cautiously walked forwards trying not to open my eyes. It was kind of hard to keep them shut considering all the bumps in the path and I was dying to know what this girl was doing.

"You can open them now." I opened my eyes to see a building. Well a small barn type of thing. I didn't know why she wanted to show me it, I mean it's a nice barn but why would she show me I wondered to myself. I think I must have looked a tad confused.

"Oh my goodness Jess, you can be really slow sometimes. Your horses are in that barn......TAA DAAA!! This is your early birthday present. Of course it was my idea, I figured you could use some cheering up since you always seem sad a lot more lately. And besides, you know how much my mum and dad adore you!"

" shouldn't have" I finally managed to choke out. This was my present. I was actually speechless.

"No problem, now you don't have to keep them in the main stables. They have their own little home....hey Jessie boo what's wrong?" She asked me with so much concern in her voice I cried even more. If only she knew why I was so sad. She was one of my best friends and has done something as big as this for me. Not only for my present but because she wanted to cheer me up. Oh how much I love her...If only my dad was like this towards me.

"Layla I....I have got to tell you something...." Should I tell her I thought...


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If you want more then you have to let me know! Ha-ha love ya's xx


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