The abused girl chapter 15

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Hey, I can now do the story on the go as I have now got an iPad 2, so it will b much easier to write it on here, just warning you though that if there is type mistakes please let me no so I can correct it on the computer, thanks

The abused girl chapter 15

Jason's p.o.v

As soon as I heard that, my stomache twisted and turned like I was on a boat, shipping in a high sea! How could he murder an old, defenceless woman? Surely even that's low for his standards? Well, if not then Paul is one sick minded man. At the same time as me thinking that, I also had another thought in mind, maybe him leaving would buy me some more time to figure out a plan to get me and Jessie out of here. Yeah, there's Jade and Jeff to worry about, but those two morons shouldn't be that hard to keep out of the way. All I got to do is play them off against each other, Jade hates it when other people contradict her, she always has to have the last word and always think she's right about everything.

Once Paul left the front room to make his call, to Marie no doubt, we all chatted amongst ourselves. I was quiet for the most part, just listening to their idle gossip, trying to figure out my next move. I must have been well and truly spaced out because Jeff has just said he's been calling out my name for the last 5 minutes.

''Hey, Jason! Would you quit spacing out all the time, if I didnt know you better I'd say you was a heartbroken teenager, thinking of ways to get her back, haha!" Jeff laughed, oh if only he knew that he was more or less spot on with his words.I did the only thing I could do; I laughed with him.

"Yeah, whatever man, you know the only person I space out over is hot models!" Jade shot me a dirty look, one that could kill you in an instant.

"Jason! How can you talk so mucky minded? Do you have no respect for me at all? Now boy, you best take that comment back before I have your guts for garters!" Jade seethed at me, her end words dripping with pure venom.

Not that she scared me, or that I gave a damn about what happened to her. I played along anyway, that's all I had to do to keep my plans from reaching their suspicious minds. I grinned at her, and sauntered over to where she was. Slowly but surely I reached for her ear, and playfully bit her neck. Just as soon as I did that, she swung her arm out to hit me, I duked just in the, laughed and announced that I was heading to bed. She wasn't happy but said goodnight, along with Jeff. I wasn't going to bed to sleep though, I was waiting for those to dopey idiots to go to bed. I had to let Jessie know what was happening and convince her that we wold be up and out of the hell hole before any harm came our way or her grandma's.

Once I had heard them both head to their room, I waited for around half hour to an hour for them to fall asleep, I headed out of the room, I checked in on them both, sure enough they was both fast asleep, I also searched the rest of the house for Paul, but I didn't see no sign of him, which made me a little weary, if I didn't know where he was then I had no idea if he would walk in on me with Jessie so I decided I'd check the grounds, but again he was no where to be found. He had been gone for a while now, I couldn't risk it, if he caught me with her, he would more or less flip and start having ideas about what I'm up to. I couldn't take that, I would feel like a failure if I couldn't help her. Instead I headed back to my room; jumping onto my bed, I started dozing off, thinking, I will get her out of here if it's the last thing I do, even if it kills me in the process.


Sorry it's short, will upload sooner now I have this iPad, it's much easier. So, there you go, a chapter all in Jason's pov,

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