The abused girl Part 7

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Hey guy's sooo so sorry I haven't uploaded sooner! Had some great new which I will share with you guys when the time is right J I'm sure you will like the news ha-ha you just have to wait a little longer.

Anyway enough of my chitter chatter lol on with the story....enjoy!

Chapter 7:


I must have managed to drift off to sleep through the night as when I opened my eyes there was daylight. I hoped and prayed that Jeff would hurry up. He's the only one who knows where I am. I needed to move as my legs are aching from not moving them. My wrists was sore from me trying to get out of the tape. I had to wait and wait until finally I heard Jeff's voice. The next thing I knew he opened the door and grinned evilly.

"Are you ready to meet one of the people who wants to talk to you? Well it's tough if you're not" he laughed at me and turned to the door to gesture in the other person. I didn't have a clue if they are male or female. As a shadow appeared at the door I knew it was time for me to see who wanted me like this so badly.

As the guy walked in the door my eyes shot open so much. I was shocked that they didn't fall out of their sockets. He walked over to me and ripped off the tape from my mouth. I winched as he laughed at me.

I was so surprised at who it was and I angrily shouted his name.


"Jessie now now there's no need to get mad. I'm here on a little errand as well as for myself but more will be explained when I take you to somewhere else. Jeff would you care to get her please?" Jason asked him. I'm speechless! I really could not get my head around why he was doing this to me. After all it was him who hurt me and him who cheated on me and broke my heart. Yet he has the audacity to treat me this way?! Well I'm sorry but my minds telling me that I haven't done a thing wrong to him. As I was being untied I was watching Jason. He was staring at me with a grin on his face like he enjoyed seeing me suffer but yet I couldn't help noticing his eyes. They told a different story. It was like they were in pain as if he didn't want to do this to me. That made me wonder why he is doing this? I had an idea...

"Jason? You know you don't have to do this. You could just sit and talk to me."

"Jessie, I...I can't. Don't you think you have caused enough damage?  I know about the kind of person you are so how I feel about you doesn't matter anymore. Where past all that now!"

"No Jason please. You got it wrong. I have never done anything to hurt you. If anything it was you who hurt me!"

"NO Jessie. I will explain everything soon. Jeff get her and bring her to the car."

No matter how much pleading I did he wasn't budging at all. My plan didn't work. Oh my goodness I really hoped if I could have talked him round then he may have let me go. Wishful thinking really. I let out a sigh as I felt really drained. Jeff took me, well he pulled me along to the car as I didn't feel like I had the energy to walk myself. I just wanted to go home. What's my mum going to think? Or Layla? And even Jade. She would be worried to as I always call her every day.

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