The Abused Girl part 3

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Hey guys, so I have not received any feedback at all, if you have the time please comment, give me some ideas on how you would like this story to go. Thanks again to all who's reading this story.

Chapter 3:


I flagged a taxi down outside Jade's. I hopped inside and told the driver my address. Mmm I hope I have my keys I thought. I rummaged through my bag trying desperately to find them...oh no I didn't pick them up on the way out! I slapped my forehead cursing myself. How could I be so stupid? Now I have to knock my parents up. I'm hoping my dad's knocked out and my mum answers. If not then I'm in for a massive lecture or probably even more. 

The taxi pulled up outside my house and I was shocked as the living room light was on and a shadow at the window. Oh my god I seriously hope it's not him.....

It was gone 3am now. I really didn't want to enter the house as I was scared and  were stalling for time. I thought about what I could do. I should just get a taxi back to Jade's house and stay there for the night. I dialled in Jade's number on my cell phone and was about to press call when the curtains of my house moved. The next thing I know the front door was opening. My heart was beating hard in my chest. This was it and if it was my dad then I knew he wouldn't be happy. But when is he ever happy with me? I thought to myself.

"Jessie honey do you know what time it is??" my mum shouted from the front door. I silently sighed a breath of relief as it was only my mum. I walked to where she was and we walked inside to the front room. 

"Yeah I'm sorry mum. The party was great and I kind of bumped into Jason...well he bumped into me." I told her. She rolled her eyes and shook her head in disapproval as she'd never liked Jason. From the moment he was introduced to her she always though he'd hurt me and that he was a wrong one. She even said be careful and not to trust him because she knew he would break my heart. Obviously I never listened. I suppose you could call it being young and naive. But that's how I was. When I met Jason I had just turned 15 and now I'm nearly 16 and already I've had my heart broke.

"So how's Jade? And I hope that you told Jason to play somewhere where the sun doesn't shine...?"

"Jade's fine mum. She's a little more than tipsy and talking to some guy when I left but you know how Jade is. And as for Jason...well let's put it this way, he will have more than a sore head in the morning. His ego took a slight knock from the one and only me. Anyway I'm off to bed so night mum." I kissed her cheek and walked out of the room and upstairs to my bedroom. But before I reached my room I saw my mums door was open a tiny bit. I then saw my stupid father sprawled out on the bed, this was the only time I wasn't afraid and the only time I liked him. I though back to the first couple of times we met. Yeah I was nervous at the beginning, I suppose that's how it was with every kid who meets their real dad. I had loads of questions to ask him about why he wasn't there for me and stuff like that. After them few times of getting to know each other things was going great, well for the first 8 months or so that is. Before this nightmare I live in had started. I don't know why he changed though, I keep asking myself that same question every day. I remember the signs he started showing before he actually raised a hand to me.....

********* Flashback *********************

"Hey dad. What are you doing tonight? Mum wants to know if we're all going to go out for dinner or not? Personally I think we should stay in, rent a DVD and grab a take away." I spoke cheerfully. I was in a good mood that day.

"Well Jessie I don't think what you want matters anymore. I'm the man of the house so you do as you're told! You just remember that and me and you will get on great. If not then there will be consequences. Do you understand that?!" my dad spat the words out at me. I furrowed my brows in confusion as I didn't get why he was like that towards me. I was only passing on a message from my mum.

I sulked off to speak to my mum feeling a bit shocked at the way dad was with me. She was in the open plan kitchen/dining room grabbing some lemonade from the fridge. 

"Mum do you know if there is something the matter with dad today?"

"Uhhno sweety I don't think so, why? what's the matter?"

"Well he seemed like something had annoyed him. He was fine yesterday right? 'Cos I basically said in not so many words said it would be nice to rent a DVD and grab a take away for a night in instead of going out. And he more or less bit my head off. He said he was the boss basically and I should do as I'm told."

"Oh don't worry too much Jess. He probably meant no harm. You know how men can be. They have to always put their authority over us women. Like I said don't worry too much, just let him think he's the man of the place ha-ha. At least we know different and that way it keeps him happy eh?" mum smiled at me and handed me lemonade. I sat down and thought that I was being a silly kid and so I shrugged it off.

********* End of flashback *******************

I shook my head clear from the memory and thought about how wrong I was with that. I wondered if I would ever learn to stop being so naive and trust my gut feelings. I went upto my room and grabbed my pink and white long panted pyjamas. I flung my red sequined dress off of me and into my washing basket. Putting my night clothes on and switching out my room light, I flopped onto my big queen sized bed and threw the quilts over my body and relaxed. I must have been exhausted 'cos I was asleep in no time at all.

I woke up at 10:30am the next morning, well the same morning really considering I didn't get to bed until its was gone half 3 in the morning.  The sun was shining through my curtains making my eyes blink rapidly as they get used to the light. Surprisingly I didn't feel too bad to say I'd drank a lot last night, I felt pretty good. I climbed out of bed and stretched my body to release tensed muscles.

I then went to my underwear draw and pulled out a matching pink bra and thong set. Then I went to my walk in wardrobe and pulled out sum light blue skinny jeans and a low cut baby blue vest top. I walked to the shower still feeling half asleep, nearly banging my knee on the door frame. I mumbled incoherent words to myself and turned the shower on hot, I quickly undress and hopped in the shower. I felt all the warmth run down my body, so I put my head back letting the water engulf my hair, I put my favourite coconut shampoo on and washed it thoroughly. I rinsed it out and did the same with my coconut conditioner. Once I was done I turned off the shower and grabbed a towel, walking back to my bedroom. Once through my door I stopped dead in my tracks.

In my room was a folded piece of paper with red writing on looked like my lipstick? I walked to where it was placed, on my clean clothes and unfolded it. What I read sent shivers down my spine.....I started crying and let out a whimper. If i wasn't scared before, I certainly am now.........


Hey guys!! sorry to have left you on such a cliffy, I know I know I'm a Meany, just to let you know I won't be uploading for about a week as I won't have a computer to write it or upload it, I do apologise but I'm having some work done at my home and can't stay while it's been done...sooo again sorry!

As soon as I'm back I promise I will upload, thanks 4 reading!





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