The abuseds girl chapter 11

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Hey guys, it’s been a while since my last upload, I'm currently in the process of boxing my belongings up, as I will be moving in 2weeks time. Won’t keep u hanging for long though…here’s the story






“Son you’ll be ok. Why don’t you go get your head down ‘till the morning? I'm sure Jade can wake you. You look beat.” Paul suggested. Why did he call me son? He’s one twisted son of a bitch. I wonder what Marie even see’s in him.

“Sure I’ll head out to bed now. See you guys.“ there was a chorus of byes from the trio. I really needed to rest my head so maybe I might see things a lot more clearly in the cold light of day.

Paul’s p.o.v:

I awoke to strong daylight beaming from the windows. Todays going to be interesting. Last night was kind of weird. I'm sure Jason was up to something but I'm not totally sure of what. As my body and eyes fully adjust to waking up I let out a yawn and stretched my body to pull my muscles. I then head off to the shower. When I'm done I dress myself and head downstairs. I look at the time and its 6:43am. Jade, Jeff and Jason won’t be up for a while as it was a late night last night. We all went through the plans of how to get payback on Jessie. well all of us but Jason. I'm sure that lad still has feeling for the little rodent that is my daughter. If I didn’t know Marie better then I’d say that Jessie wasn’t my child and that Marie had actually cheated on me but kept it quiet and hoped I wouldn’t think any different. But no Marie wouldn’t do that. I wish she would have though then I wouldn’t have to deal with this pesky kid!

I head off to the kitchen for something quick and easy to eat and get something to drink. I pull open the refrigerator door and scan the items. I grab a half empty carton of fresh orange juice and some milk deciding not to waste time. I had some cereal and quickly ate it. Then I got up and head to the room Jessie’s in. Since nobody’s up then nobody can stop me from scaring her some more. It’s weird how I have so much power over her and how easily I can scare her or hurt her. I don’t even have any guilt over what I do neither because it come natural to me. I chuckle to myself and then stop. I start to think of Marie and how gorgeous she is and how much I love her with my heart. Her looks have always astounded me. The weird thing is though that Jessie’s the image of her mum and it makes me wonder how I could do this to her or Marie. I shake my head violently to get the image out of my head. Jessie’s nothing like my dear Marie. She’s evil and that’s why she needs punishing.

As I'm about to open Jessie’s room door my phone rings. I quickly head back upstairs to answer it before they hang up. I just reach my phone and glance at the caller I.D and its Marie. I pick up the phone with my heart beating quicker as I know I can get to speak to the lovely person on the other end.

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