The Abused Girl chapter 23

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The abused girl part 23.

Paul,'s P.O.V

The pressure was on. If I thought Jade was joking and not stating that as blackmail; then I'm going to be in big trouble. She would ruin everything between me and Marie. And to top things off even more, Marie seems to be getting suspicious. Betty her mother is getting better. Her memory is slowly returning. Jeez what am I going to do? I need to get her out of the way and fast.

As expected Marie went to her weekly book club meeting. Leaving me alone in the house with her mother. Oh my dear Marie, you have just given me the opportunity I needed to get myself out of this mess. Now here is the thing; she wouldnt leave me alone with her mum willingly, oh no way in hell she would risk it. After all, she's becoming a little obvious in her suspicions. She thinks I'm going out with friends tonight. As much as I love her; shes so gullible.

"So hunny...have you got everything you need for book club? Don't want to be forgetting anything now do you?..."

"Oh I wouldnt worry hubby dearest. I have everything I mum is asleep and I shan't be long. I'll see you when im home." And with that she turned on her heel and walked out the door.

I walked to the half open curtains in the front room and took a peep out. I saw Marie closing her car door and drive away. I waited another 10 minutes to ensure she wasnt coming back. As I realised she wasnt, I headed upstairs towards her mum's room. I had no idea what I was going to do...I went to open the door and hesitated. I had to remind myself what the plan was; that part I understood to be fair. The thing I still didnt grip fully is why? That question is still swimming around in my mind. Its one I keep asking and then ultimately answering; but truth be told no matter how many times I answered it, I was never satisfied with it. Many times I have told myself its for the good of my daughter Jade; and obviously my beautiful wife Marie. But that answer bounces back, as Jessie is also my daughter to Marie. She is the eldest of the two girls; meaning I cheated on Marie when she was pregnant with Jessie. The hold Jade has over me is paramount to me and Marie. Neither marie or Jades mum knows that there sisters; only Jade knows she is Jessie's sister.

Shaking my head clear, I tried the handle. Damn it, she's locked the door. I knelt down amd looked through the keyhole to see that Betty was indeed asleep. I need to find that spare key and get in that room. I went in search of where the key is usually kept which is in the plant pot on the dining room table. It wasnt there, there's only one place it could be I thought as I walked to its spot. It was only ever kept it in the old tea pot in the cupboard when Marie needed to lock the old room up when Jessie was younger, as it kept her seeing birthday or christmas present. ..or at least thats what Marie told me when I came back into her life. Oh well, I now have the key, I quickley but quietly rushed uo the stairs. I had already lost to much time pondering my thoughts and finding the key!

I very slowly unlocked the door and turned the knob. Once it was open I peered in just to make sure she hadnt awoke...nope, she was still asleep. I did wonder how I was going to do this but I noticed the sleeping pills next to her bed on the cabinet. I read the label on the front of the bottle

"1 sleeping pill to be taken per night. Do not exceed this dosage"

I also noticed her pain medication along side them, I quickley worked out her days of been out to the amiunt in the packet to see if she had taken them along side her sleeping pills. Bingo! According to my calculations she had not only taken her sleeping tablets; she had also taken pain medication...they were the drowsey type drugs.

I prodded Betty in the arm to see just how under it she was and I got no reaction at all. This is it I thought, my way out of it. I took a pillow and ever so lightly placed it over her face. I kept applying more and more pressure for a good 10 to 15 minutes. I had to make sure she was gone. Finally I put the pillow where it belonged and took a last look at Betty and knew straight away this looked like a natural passing. She looked so peaceful.

Now though I had to rush. I locked the door up and ran down the stairs placing the key back where it was to begin with. Luckily there was a downstairs toilet to freshen up in. After finishing my wash, I locked the main door and headed out the back door. I headed to the nearest pub for a stiff drink....

just what had I done??

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