The Abused Girl Chapter 24

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So sorry its taking so long. I have had a battle with myself as to whether I should continue with my book or scrap it. I have decided to continue the book, I've been taking english grammer course so so far I have gone back and edited most the story. but figured I should.make a new chapter :-) il be editing this aswell as im writing on my phone so can't do everything at once lol. COMPETITION TIME!! for anyone who reads this then listen up. at the end of the story there is a question. for your chance to have some say over what happens next id like you to COMMENT with what u think should be the answer to chose the best and it will appear in the next chapter :-)


I prodded Betty in the arm to see just how under it she was and I got no reaction at all. This is it I thought, my way out of it. I took a pillow and ever so lightly placed it over her face. I kept applying more and more pressure for a good 10 to 15 minutes. I had to make sure she was gone. Finally I put the pillow where it belonged and took a last look at Betty and knew straight away this looked like a natural passing. She looked so peaceful.

Now though I had to rush. I locked the door up and ran down the stairs placing the key back where it was to begin with. Luckily there was a downstairs toilet to freshen up in. After finishing my wash, I locked the main door and headed out the back door. I headed to the nearest pub for a stiff drink....

just what had I done??

Chapter 24.

Jessie's P.O.V.

I was so unbelievably sick of being in this godforsaken room! I had literally had enough. Nothing I try to think of helps alleviate my problem of being in this place.  Why cant Jason just hurry up and get me out already. Obviously I knew it probably wasn't as easy as i'm making it out to be, after all he has Jade and Jeff to battle with while the thing that is my dad is out. My thought roamed to before all this took place, back to the last time I was at the barn with my good friend. I thought of the moment when she noticed I'd been a little too emotional,  back to the part where I was about to tell her what was the matter with me. oh how I wish I could turn back time and revisit that moment. I would have told her everything, maybe if I had of told her then this wouldn't have happened in the first place.

I pushed the thought's from my mind as it wasn't helping my lost cause one little iota. Thinking about the what if's was killing me, knowing that no matter what, it wasn't going to change my situation. I let out a big sigh with a slight groan along side it hoping it would make things hurry the hell up. Haha like it's going to be that simple,  I could only dream.

Speaking of Jason and all things of escape, just where on earth was he? I sure hoped he came and helped me before the thing  came back. I laid down on the crappy uncomfortable pull out bed and pushed my thought's away and tried settling into go to sleep. Although I didn't feel tired, I must have been as I soon felt my eyelids fall heavy and the next thing I know I was in blackness.

Jasons P.O.V.

Right, I have a plan. While those two loosers are semi getting it on, I decided I'm going to get Jessie bear out of this hell hole before Paul came back and thrashed her. I had no idea how long he would be or how I would get her past the next teenage loved up couple but I was damned if I didn't try. Maybe I could sneak her out while there asleep or something. I'm not entirely sure though if that would work as someones always on guard or awake at different times. I had to do something but what was I supposed to do?

I had to come up with a plan and fast.

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