Chapter 5

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Beyoncé's P.O.V

"Good morning Marie." I said, standing at the front desk at the hospital, about to start my day. I was still a little tired because I didn't sleep very well last night.

"Morning" She said smiling as always.

"Who are those people with Dr. White?" I asked when I saw him talking to a young woman and a older looking one.

"Family members of one of my patients, He's been release from this unit. That one is his wife and the older lady is his mother."She pointed out discretely.

"Oh, that's good" I smiled, because it meant that the patient got better and is not in danger anymore.

"Mrs. Hayes, can you come over here for a second?" Dr. White said motioning to Marie to approach them.

"This is one of the nurses taking care of your husband." He said when Marie walked up to them. Marie simply smiled in response. "Mrs. Hayes can you help them collect Mr. Phillips' personal items and get him ready as well?"

"Sure." She smiled and he thanked her before excusing himself and walking away.

"Good Morning Ms. Knowles" He said to me when he stopped by the front desk to leave some papers.

"Good morning" I replied looking directly at him. When he didn't look back, my smile faded a little and I started to walk away, but a hand softly held me back.

"Oh, Ms. Knowles, I almost forgot" Dr. White let go of my arm to reach for something in his pocket. "Is this yours?" He showed me one earing. My earing.

"Yes." I slowly reached for it. I was still a little agitated after I realized that he was holding my arm.

"Good, I found it at the coffee room and decided to put in my pocket so I could give it back to you. I thought I saw you wearing it the other day"

"You did?" I smiled largely, but immediately fixed it "I mean... thank you. I thought I lost it."

"You're welcome" He smiled and then walked away.

So he noticed my earing? He noticed me??? I bit my lip as I looked to the earing, smiling like a fool. Maybe I'm not as invisible as I thought.

I got my files and walked down the hallway so I could start working, but although my body was there, my mind was floating around.

"Excuse me, nurse. Can I have a sip of water please?" The patient asked me as I adjusted her IV tubes.

I checked her files again before answering her because some patients can't have as much water as they please, or it worsens their condition. Fortunately, it wasn't her case.

"Sure" I filled a cup with water and held to her mouth. She only took two sips before lying back down.

"Thank you so much" She said weakly.

"You're welcome" I smiled at her.

I always like when I can do something else for them. I like to see them feeling better, getting better. I really like when they get to go home, even though I miss some of them sometimes.

I continued going room by room checking on patients without taking too long in between because I had a lot of people to take care of today. Some of my previous patients were released, but a lot of people checked in so the number only increased.

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