Chapter 22

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Beyoncé's P.O.V

"I just rather have a nice dinner with my beautiful girlfriend... only" Shawn said putting his arms around my waist from behind while I cooked.

We were discussing tonight for the 10th time this week and Shawn was trying to convince me to give up on having Julie and Riley over for dinner. But just like I did for the entire week, I didn't really listen to him. The more he insisted in not doing it, the more I thought it was necessary.

Riley wasn't willing to come either. He even came up with excuses yesterday, but I said I would never forgive him if he didn't show up. The good thing about best friends is that they take that sentence very seriously.

"Babe, just relax okay? It will be a nice night between friends. And even if it doesn't go all so well, what's the worst that can happen?"

"Having to stand that guy for hours?" Shawn said seriously, but it only made me laugh.

"He's not that bad, be nice to him and he'll be nice to you. Can you do that for me?"

"What do I get if I'm nice?" he asked smirking.

"A big smile from your girlfriend"

"Mhhh that's not enough." He said turning me around and kissing me.

"Okay maybe, just maybe, I'm gonna wear what you bought for me the other day. But you really have to give your best for that." I said kissing him back.

"Alright, deal." He said smiling hard.

I shook my head and sent him to the living room to watch TV, so he would stop distracting me. I had to finish the food and take a shower before Julie and Riley get here. Camron was having his first sleepover with one of his friends from school, which made tonight perfect for our little double date.

When the meat in the oven was the only thing left I headed to my room to take a quick shower and get ready. I wasn't so worried about what I was going to wear, because there was no need to dress up, but I wanted to look nice. I was just finishing with my hair when I heard the doorbell.

"Babe, can you get that please?" I yelled from my bathroom.

I just checked myself in the mirror one last time before joining everybody in the living room.

"Hi B, you look great. The food smells great too" Julie said before giving me a hug.

"Thank you, you look great too"

"I get no love?" Riley complained when I pulled away from Julie and simply smiled at him as way of greeting. I just saw this boy this morning.

"Hi Riley, long time no see" I said sarcastically while giving him a hug as well.

"Shawn this is Riley, Riley this is Shawn. I don't really need to introduce you to each other."

"What's up" Shawn said nodding to him.

"Alright c'mon, dinner is ready." I said walking to the kitchen.

"Aww Bey it looks beautiful and delicious."Julie said smiling.

"Don't get it twisted, it only looks good. We all know Bey is not the best cook." Riley joked.

"Shut up Riley" I said playfully rolling my eyes at him.

"Shawn, did you go shopping? I like your new style." Julie complimented.

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