Chapter 14

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Beyoncé's P.O.V

"Okay, this one?" I asked Paige, holding yet another dress against my chest.

"Looks good." Paige smiled.

"Really...?" I made a face and turned to the mirror to see, "Isn't it a little too simple?"

"Wasn't what you were looking for? You just said the other one was too much."

"Yeah, but I'm not trying to go on a date in a pajama looking dress either."

"Well, you'll end up going on a date in this damn towel you have on if you don't make up your mind already. But I don't think he would mind though." Paige smirked.

"Oh shut up, he's not like that."

"B please, y'all might be in love with each other, but he'll still look at your ass when you'll walk away and you'll still wonder about the size of his... feet." I gasped at her comment and she laughed.

I wanted to reply to that, but something else about what she said got my attention.

"You think he's in love with me?"

"Well maybe not really in love, but I guess he could be soon. Even if I don't know him, I can see that he really likes you a lot."

"I like him a lot too." I said without looking at her.

"I know. So you need to look extra good tonight." she said looking through my clothes and searching for the right outfit.

"What about this?" she said holding up a pair of skinny jeans and a white blazer.

"Mhhh I'm gonna try it on to see how it looks on me." I said taking the things from her.

She whistled and teased me because of the lingerie I had on when I took off the towel, but I didn't pay her any mind. I know she's just trying to make me laugh and relax a little, but I can't help being anxious.

"I like it." I smiled at my reflection in the mirror.

I can't even express how excited I am for today. I can't wait to see Shawn again and to finally get to know him. We've been talking on the phone for the past few days, but mostly we talked about how our day was and what we were doing right before getting on the phone, just random things. Tonight I want to learn things about him. And it may sound silly but I really wonder how he is on a date.


Shawn's P.O.V

"What are you doing?" Julie asked coming into my room.

"Trying to find something to wear." I answered quickly, without turning away from my closet.

"Trying to find...? Since when you try to find clothes to put on? You always get dressed with the first thing you see."

I sighed and looked at her "Can you leave?"

"Why?" She frowned. She was sitting on my bed now, "I just remember very well seeing my big brother getting ready for his dates just 15 minutes before leaving the house, because according to him all his clothes were good, since he picked and bought them himself."

I love this girl, but I hate when she picks the worse moments to pick on me.

"Leave, before I kick you out." I tried to sound serious, but I was just nervous.

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