Chapter 16

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Beyoncé's P.O.V

"Girl, you're always daydreaming these days"

"Huh?" I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard Marie's voice.

"See...?" she shook her head at me. I laughed a little at the fact that I did it again.

"I'm sorry, I was just... thinking. Did you want to talk to me?"

"I was just going to tell you that Dr. White is looking for you, but he just found you" She pointed out and I turned my head to see him walking up to us.

"Hi Ms. Knowles" He smiled.


"I was trying to find Mrs. Parker, but I couldn't. Apparently she had to take a personal call." Mrs. Parker is my head nurse. "There's this patient that will need a very particular care. I would like to go over it with you. Can you come to my office for a minute?"

"Sure" I nodded and followed him.

"So what did he want from you?" Marie asked me when I came out of Dr. White's office.

"Nothing, just some information about this new patient. I don't even know why I had a crush on him, he is so old."I said to Marie.

"Girl, he and I are the same age."

"Sorry. I mean he is too old for me." I said laughing.

"Mhmm whatever." she said playfully rolling her eyes.

After my little chat with Marie, I went on with my work. I checked my cell phone every now and then to see if Shawn called or send me a message, but there was nothing.

It's been a few days since our first date and so far, it is going so great. We talk a lot on the phone and when I'm at work, we text a little. We saw each other a couple of times too and last time Shawn came to the hospital for his physiotherapy, we had lunch together. I was glad to be able to introduce him to Riley and even more to see them getting along well. I mean, they are not best friends, but I hope they can have a great relationship. You know, in case things get serious between Julie and Riley. Although, something has yet to happen between them, but I don't know how it's going to happen. I've been thinking about it though.

"What are you reading?" Riley asked being nosy

"Nothing." I texted a reply on my phone and put it back on my pocket.

I was telling Shawn about this really dramatic day in my childhood when I thought I killed a bird. Don't ask me how we manage to get to the subject through text because I don't know. He texted me when I was on my lunch break and we chatted for a while, but I didn't have the chance to replied to him when I was back to work, so our conversation was on hold.

"Ch... you won't let go of this thing anymore. You really like that Shawn guy, huh?" He said smirking at me. We were walking towards his car so he could drop me home.

"Don't say Shawn guy" I frowned at him "It sounds so random. I like Shawn" I said smiling, probably harder than I should.

"Well, I still don't know him so well, so he's still some guy, but maybe I'll need to have a little talk to him and introduce myself again" He said before getting in the car, leaving me standing there confused.

"What?" I asked as soon as I got in the car as well.

"He needs to know that if he hurts you, he'll spend another two months in the hospital when I'm done with him"

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