Chapter 11

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Shawn's P.O.V

I started doing some exercises today for my leg, and I was very happy about it. I wanted to have something to do and I wanted to get out of that bed. It wasn't for long though, but was enough to make me feel good. I actually wanted more, so after the doctor left. I decided to sneak out of my room for a minute. I took my crutch with me just so I wouldn't force it. I had on a gray sweatpants and a simple white shirt by the way, I wasn't about to walk around with my ass showing.

I walked into the elevator, just for the hell of it. I didn't even know where I was going. For a minute I felt like Camron, trying to find something fun to do at the hospital, but those places can really bore a nigga. There was also another reason why I wanted to walk around, but I didn't want to admit to myself.

The elevator door opened about two times, but I didn't get out. I was more interested in reading the ads on the wall. I only decided to leave when we were at the Intensive care unit. The same I spent most of my days in this hospital at.

I left the elevator and looked around. It felt funny to be here again. And it felt crazy too, 'cause the thought of her came back like never before. How can you think about someone so much, and still don't know who she is? I don't even know how she looks like.

I walked around for a little bit not knowing exactly what I was doing. I know I probably shouldn't be here, but I couldn't help it. There were so many people in here, and one of them may be the person I'm looking for. It's just... how can you look for a person you don't even know? I don't know anything about her. I can't even remember her name. I stood there for a few more minutes, but I started to feel stupid, so I figure it was time to leave.

I was about to walk back to the elevator, but a laugh made me stop. the most adorable laugh. I could swear I heard that before. I turned around and suddenly the person that was on my mind ever since I woke up finally had a face, and it was a beautiful one, I have to say.

"Mr. Carter what are you doing here?" The nurse I met before, Marie said when she saw me standing there.

"Ehm. I don't know." I said while still looking at the same face I was before. She was looking back at me as if she was very surprised to see me.

"You shouldn't be walking around. You need to go back to your room."

"But I need-" I started, but she didn't let me finish.

"No buts, c'mon you can walk around for too long on your leg. B, why don't you take Shawn back?" There was a little smirk forming on her face.

"What?" The other woman looked at Marie as if she had two heads.

"Well, since you were talking to him earlier, I figure you know where his room is." Now I was confused as well, but Marie didn't pay much attention to that. She simply waved us to the elevator. "You better go before the head nurse shows up and somebody gets in trouble."

We walked to the elevator and the young woman pressed the button smiling at me a little. We entered and when the door closed, I held my hand out to her.

"I'm Shawn Carter" I smiled a little nervously. Hell, I don't know why I'm so nervous.

She smiled at me and shook my hand "I'm-"

"Beyoncé" I cut her off when I realized I remembered her name. Just to look at her made me remember so many things.

"I uh. I didn't think you would remember"She said nervously too.

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