Chapter 21

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Beyoncé's P.O.V

A big smile spread on my face when I woke up and saw Shawn's face as soon as I opened my eyes. I so could get used to that. I slowly moved closer to peck his lips before getting out of bed, softly so I wouldn't wake him up. I didn't even bother grabbing the sheets or anything to cover up my body. It's funny, but I really don't feel uncomfortable around him, I feel the exact opposite.

I went to the bathroom to take a quick shower and since Shawn was still asleep when I came out, I decided to prepare breakfast for us. Instead of putting my own clothes on though, I just slipped Shawn's shirt over my underwear and headed to the kitchen to start cooking, quickly grabbing everything I would need and starting it. I guess Shawn deserves his favorite breakfast after last night.

"I'm coming." I whispered even if I'm pretty sure that the person on the other side of the door didn't hear me. I just didn't want to wake up Shawn.

"Sean?" I said surprised, because of all people I would expect to see at my door, he was the last on the list.

"Hey Bey, How are you doing?" He said stepping closer and kissing me on my cheek while handing me some flowers.

"I'm fine. What... What are you doing here?" I asked confused.

"I'm in town for the weekend and I just... I wanted to see you" He said charmingly, making me blush a little, and then a lot when I realized I was standing there in only panties and my boyfriend's shirt.

I squirmed a little and crossed my arms over my chest to hide my breasts, but it only made him pay better attention to my lack of proper clothing.

"Oh. I'm sorry, you weren't up yet?"

"No, I was. I was making breakfast, I just-"

"Bey...?" I heard Shawn say and turn my head to see him walking up to me.

He eyed me up and down then did the same to Sean, but I'm pretty sure it was for very different reasons. How I wished I could disappear right now. Shawn was still standing there in just his sweatpants on since I had his shirt. Sean was looking kind of confused, waiting for me to say something.

"Ehm Sean this is my boyfriend Shawn. Babe this is... Sean."

"What's up" Shawn said nodding.

"Maybe I should have called. I'm sorry, I wanted to surprise you." Sean said obviously feeling uncomfortable.

"Bey, why don't you go and put some clothes on?" Shawn suggested, but it felt more like a request.

"Ehm yea, I'll be right back."

"That's okay, I'm leaving anyway. It was nice to see you Bey." Sean said before leaving kind of quickly. Part of me wish I could just leave too.

"What was that?" Shawn asked as I closed the door.

"He's just a guy I uh... I went out with a while ago"

"That wasn't exactly what I was talking about. Do you always answer your door almost naked? Is it your naughty side again?" He asked with his eyebrows raised.

"What? No! I completely forgot what I was wearing. Besides, I was sure it was Paige"

"Hmm." He nodded slowly "And what's with the flowers?"

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