Chapter 25

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Beyoncé's P.O.V

"What are you cooking?" I asked walking in my mother's kitchen sniffing. Whatever it was she was making smelled really good.

After spending some time with us in the living room, and after Solange left, she excused herself to start making dinner.

"Girl, you'll see when I'm done" She waved me off when I tried to look into the pots. She really never liked when we started snooping around when she's cooking "Are you guys hungry?"

"I'm getting, the food smells really good" I said leaning on the counter watching her.

"I'm almost done." She replied. She had her back to me, and I could see her tasting something "I'm thinking about making cheese cake for dessert"

"Hmm... or better yet, I can go get us something" I offered.

"Yeah, that would be great" She turned to me nodding.

"Alright I'm taking Shawn with me"

"Ok, you have an hour to come back so we can eat" She said smiling. I nodded and walked upstairs to get my boyfriend.

"Babe, get up. We're going out." He was lying on his bed watching some game on the TV.

"Where are we going?"

"To get some dessert for dinner. That will also give me the chance to show you around"

"Alright" He said getting up.

I stopped by my room to get my car keys and we headed to the garage.

"So this is my baby" I said proudly showing him my car. I wasn't much into cars or anything, but this one was really special to me.

"I thought I was your baby" Shawn complained playfully.

"Well, both are, and I love both, but in very different ways" I laughed before getting in the car.

I opened the garage doors and started driving away while Shawn found the radio and turned it on.

"So... Are you going to show me the places you used to sneak to when you would skip school and the hot spots?"

"I didn't use to skip school" I frowned at him, a little offended "But whenever I did we would go to this arcade they had a couple blocks from school" I bit my lip to hold my laughter.

Shawn shook his head and laughed at me.

"Oh over there I got in a car accident with my father's car. I've had my license for only two days. I was so scared to get home. I thought my dad would kill me." I told him while showing him the place where I had the accident.

"And was he mad?"

"No, he was happy that I was OK." I said smiling a little.

After I parked my car we started to walk holding hands to the best bakery in town.

"And here is where you get the best cheesecake in Houston or even in Texas."

"Look at you. You are so proud of your hometown." He smiled at me.

"Yeah I love Houston and I had a great childhood here. So I love coming back home." I said smiling hard.

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