Chapter 26

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Shawn's P.O.V

I woke up the next morning feeling soft lips pressed against mine. I smiled even before opening my eyes and reached for her, bringing her close to lay with me.

"Time to wake up" She said softly, placing another kiss on my lips.

"What time is it?" I asked, finally opening my eyes.

"8 something"

I took a deep breath and rubbed my eyes.

"Still tired...? You didn't sleep well last night?" She asked watching me.

"Took me a while to fall asleep" I had too many thoughts in my mind to rest.

"See, if you had slept with me you would have slept well" She replied with a cocky smile on her face.

"You can take a shower with me and help me wake up" I grinned.

"I thought you wanted to respect my mother?" She raised her eyebrows.

"We don't need to do anything. You'll just help to wash my back."

She laughed at my effort to make an innocent face "And then you want to talk about me, you're no better. I know there is not one innocent thought in your mind right now"

"Your mother is downstairs isn't she?"I asked grabbing her and pulling her on top of me.

"Yes, she's finishing breakfast and sent me here to get you out of bed"

"That means we have time and won't get caught"

"No, that means you should get up and wash up while I go back downstairs to help her before she comes here. And that shower may be a good idea for you" She said getting up and off of me, looking at the bulge beneath the sheets covering me and smiling.

Before I could think about something else to say to convince her to stay she was walking out of the door, leaving me to sigh and get up. She knew she wouldn't resist much longer if she stayed. I guess that shower will have to be a cold one.

After I was done with my shower I headed downstairs to join Bey and her mother. I was about to walk into the kitchen when I heard Solange at the front door. That's the perfect timing...

"We need to talk." I whispered.

"Well good morning to you too."

"C'mon." I said pulling her aside and away from the kitchen.

"What's wrong with you?" She asked confused.

"I kind of need your help. But you have to promise not to say a word."

"What kind of help." She asked a little unsure.

"I want to propose to Bey and I need help with the ring."

"OH MY GOD" she said loudly and in shock.

"Shhhh not so loud"

"I can't believe this. I'm so excited and happy for Bey, and you of course."

"Thanks. So we need to come up with an excuse to why we're going to spend the afternoon together."

"Don't worry bro in law I will handle that." She said smiling.

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