Chapter 19

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Beyoncé's P.O.V

"So you didn't tell me how your date went."I said sitting down next to Riley. We were all at Paige's mother's place because she was having a barbecue party for Paige's birthday. I was actually waiting for Shawn and his sister to arrive. I hadn't seen him since the night he came to my place to apologize. That was three days ago. He was busy with his work, and I had a night shift at the hospital.

"It was great. I really like Julie."

"So that means you're going out with her again?"

"Yeah, I planned to. Why?"

"Just asking." I said shrugging.

"Is Shawn coming today?"

"Yeah, he should be here any minute."

"I don't think that he likes me" he half mumbled.

"He's just protective. He's really close to his sister and she had a bad experience with her son's father. He feels like he has to prevent her from getting hurt again. We even had our first fight because of that."

"Because of what, me and Julie?"

"Yeah, he was mad because I gave you her number."

"And he thinks he can judge me and say if I'm good enough for his sister or not?" He said getting mad. "If he has a problem with me, he should talk to me, and not take it out on you"

"Calm down, it wasn't that serious." I rolled my eyes, "You two should be getting along very well, because you are really alike." I chuckled and shook my head.

I can't wait for these stubborn men stop playing soldiers guarding the fort and finally get to know each other.

"...And speaking of"

I followed Riley's eyes and saw Shawn and his sister and nephew walking towards us. I got up smiling to greet them.

"Hey baby." I said kissing his lips lightly, "Hi Julie"

"Hi Bey" she hugged me and I bent down to finally greet Camron.

"Hey cutie"

"Hi Beyoncé, I missed you" He said giving me such a warm hug.

"Aww you did? I missed you too"

"They don't like Tom and Jerry like we do" He said in a half whisper and covering his mouth like he didn't want the others to hear.

"Oh, they don't know what they are missing out" I whispered back.

Last time I went to Shawn's place, I spent over two hours watching Tom and Jerry with him. And we laughed the whole time. I had more fun having a good time with him, than watching the cartoon, but I do like it.

"Where is Paige?" Julie asked looking around.

"Oh she's over there with her cousins." I pointed.

"Alright, I'll be right back." she said walking over to where Paige was, with Camron.

"He is here too." Shawn asked when he spotted Riley.

"Shawn of course he is. Paige and Riley are best friends." I said.

"I bet he was also looking forwards to see my sister again."

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