Chapter 37. Proposal

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"What should I do" with a huff Mary fell on her bed.

"You should just tell him" her friend said casually,

"It's not that easy, it's even tougher than maths" Mary replies rolling her eyes.

"It's not that tough Mary, You both know each other for two months, you like him he likes you, I think it's pretty much enough and you both should now just confess it"

"It's not that easy it's pretty complex you don't know what happened that day" she replied in annoyed tone.

"Then enlighten me will you" Erika raises her eyebrow folding her arms on her chest.

She sighs "Alright" she starts telling her.

One Week Ago

"So Mary I hope this equation is clear to you" he asked his eyes still on books,

Mary didn't listen what he said but kept looking at him, she just can't help it, she is captivated by him.

"Mary I'm asking Is it clear now?" he asked again snapping in front of her eyes.

"Ahh.. Yeah totally" she wanna say the truth but then he'll get angry that she was not listening and maybe will leave, and that is the last thing she wants, but it's not her fault, whenever she's around him it's impossible concentrate, now days the more she spends time with him the more she is falling for him, but do he feel the same for her, her mind is always roaming over it.

"So if this equation is clear to you then solve this one" he gives her the book, notebook and pencil, he knows very well that she was not paying attention.

"This one" looking at the equation and thinking of his reaction when he'll know that she didn't get a word what he said as she was busy drooling at him scares her.

"Yeah this one Mary you need to find x in it" he looks at her narrowing his eyes.

She keep thinking and looking at the equation as if its gonna get solved by itself, she came up with an idea "Done" solving it she gives it back to Erik.

Sceptical of her he takes the notebook in his hand, he looks at the her, she smiles at him like silly "What is this" he shows her the solution.

"You said to find x here it is" she replies smiling.

"I asked you to find by solving it not by pointing it here" he looks at her with serious expression, containing his laughter, he cracks up laughing at her weird joke.

She looks at him laughing along with him.

"You are a thing" he laughs shaking his head "Sometimes I wonder if you are real"

"I'm hundred percent real see" she gets closer to him laughing.

Seeing her too close Erik's laughter ends, and Mary's as well, they both look at each other, Erik's eyes goes to her eyes to her lips, a feeling awaking inside him wants to kiss her but he stops himself. Sensing his nervousness Mary leans in capturing his lips, quickly but gently, her action took him by shock but feeling her lips on his he relaxes, the hands who wants to push her grabs her waist pulling her on his lap. Their lips moves in sync, her sweet taste making him wanting more, Erik looks shy but she finds him excellent kisser, totally opposite of his self which he shows to everyone, she loves when he is shy and all but she likes his this side as well.

They break their kiss, breathing bit heavily, Mary is happy about this but this has left Erik confused, he didn't want to be in an relationship right now and he have never seen Mary in that way, yes he likes her, she is beautiful and funny, he likes spending time with her but loving her, he looks at Mary and her hope and happiness filled eyes "It's wrong" he says in his mind, putting her back on her bed he leaves with saying "I'm sorry", she sees him leaving with him a tear leaves her eye. She was so happy seconds ago and now this has hurt her, why did he left like that? Maybe he don't like her? Questions starts wandering in her mind.

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