Chapter 43. Family

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Erika stretches her arms lazily, the amazing night with Troy still is the cause of smile on her face, happily she starts getting ready for breakfast, wearing her baggy light blue sweater with pajamas she ties her hairs in messy bun.

Greeting the servants on her way she gets into the dining area where is father is wiping his mouth ready to leave while her brother is having his breakfast "Good Morning" she says smiling like Cheshire cat.

They both keep looking at her without uttering any word, sensing the tensed particles around her, she stops smiling, and looks at them confused and worried mainly because of her brother who is the first one to greet her in morning his father is always cold but the silence of her brother worries her.

"All good?" stumbling on words she asks them silence comes to her as an answer.

She sees her brother saying something to their father through an gesture as if eyes which seems like he is saying "he'll take care of it" but if that's what he said then what needs to be taken care of.

Frowning his father gets up from his place wearing his dark blue coat, he walks past her glaring at her with a mixture of anger and annoyance crossing his face.

She runs to her brother wanting to know the cause of their strange behavior "Brother what's the matter why you guys are behaving like this, like I did something wrong? Have I done some mistake? If yes then enlighten me talk to me don't be quite" she hates when someone is angry with her and especially the ones she cares and love.

His brother closes his eyes taking a deep breath thinking a bit like he is thinking right words.

"Please say something" she demands with tears welling up in big round orbs.

Seeing tears in his sister's eyes he let go of his anger "Stop crying babysis yeah you are right dad is angry with you as you did a mistake but I'm not angry.. I'm just upset and disappointed that you didn't tell me about your boyfriend"

His words gave her the shock of century feeling like a thief after getting caught she looks for words but her mind questioning her about how did he got to know about it.

"Why you didn't tell me don't you have faith on your brother" he asks

"No it's just I wanted to but I was looking for right moment" she answers looking at her feet.

He cups her face making her face him "Listen having a boyfriend and loving someone is not wrong at all but hiding it is, Dad is raged by the fact that he is not rich"

"But money is not everything" she protests.

"Yeah you are right Erika but dad is also not wrong look you are young and very innocent you think everyone is like you, in reality it's not like that there are very bad and manipulative people out there who are sitting with baits to catch good people like you and we don't want that in fact I won't hesitate in killing anyone who hurts you" he says with serious expression.

"No but Troy is not like that he would never hurt me he loves me brother I love him he cares about me, protects me, helps me and respects me brother he'll never do it" she speaks quickly explaining their relationship.

He sighs "Alright after knowing about it dad wanted to send you to New York but I stopped him" she helplessly shakes her head in no terrified by the thought of leaving Troy "but I convinced him that I'll see it so I want to meet that guy and if I'll find anything bad in him then I'll beat his ass off and if your words are proved true then I'll convince dad" he looks at her.

"Alright Thank You brother" she hugs him sure that he'll like Troy as he don't have any badness in him.

Troy sighs cracking his fingers closing his book after doing his hectic homework he starts to work on the car parked in his garage "Let's see beautiful why are you sad" he speaks to car checking its engine.

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