62. Marry Me

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Erika's POV

I took a deep breath seeing myself in mirror, the makeup of eyes makes it look more big, my hairs tied in a loose bun, few strands cupping my face, makeup artists and hairstylists left a monent ago complimenting me,

I don't like doing this much of makeup and all but today is exception, I look like a whole different person, it's highlighting my features more, I'm also loving the nude pink lip color it goes nicely with my loud, smokey dramatic eyes,

My fingers touches the soft silky fabric of my champagne colored gown, it's for the first time when I'm wearing something this deep necked, it even a slit on it as well which reaches till my thigh, Mary chose this for me, quoting that I'll look sexy in it and it's true I do look like some bond girl,

My eyes falls on the fading mark I still have on my arm, it have been couple a months since that day, first month was kinda rough, coping up with headaches, several traumatic revelations it was like I was walking on broken pieces of my memories barefoot,

It was tough but its gone now, I can't thank enough to my friends Mary and Erik did every possible thing to make me feel better, and then Troy who was there for me on every single step I was taking, he was caring about me like I'm a baby he didn't leave me for a moment he also gave me my me time as well so I'll collect myself emotionally and mentally, I don't think that anyone can love somebody like he loves me,

His love is pure, free from the shackles of greed, lust, selfishness and obsession, his love is pure while he was taking care of me he never even tried anything, never forced his love on me, he is giving me time to get hold of myself and now I'm much better there's only one thing that is bothering me,

I have noticed he is acting weird lately, his love for me is always flowing in those blue oceanic eyes I see them but still I feel like there's something that he is hiding, like there's a wall of glass between us that we can't see but it's there only,

Doesn't love me anymore no it can't be,

Trail of my thoughts was interrupted by the ring of my phone, it's Troy he is here, let's go Erika or you'll be late of the reception,

Grabbing my clutch I give myself on last look in mirror, good let's go, I walk out of my apartment, finding him standing leaning against his car, God he looks beautifully handsome, his black suit with white shirt underneath and those few undone buttons makes him look hotter than fire,

Stop eyeing him up, I can see his eyes widening at me,

"You look gorgeous" he says out in breath, it's clear he is amazed,

"Thank You, you also look great" saying I bite my lip in shyness,

Sighing and cursing I guess he opens up the door for me, what happened.

I can still sense the invisible wall between us I wish I could break, maybe I should ask him, but I'm scared what if he'll say that he don't love me, no I can see his love for me but I can see this wall between us as well,

I should just face it, I'll ask him tonight,

"They have arrived" I asked trying to start up the conversation,

"Yeah" he says as if I just bought him back from a deep thought "No they are on the way we'll reach there first" he smiles a little,

The rest of the ride went awkwardly silent the worry is clear on his face but why today is such a big day for us, I hope everything is good.

Car stops in the front of the beautiful tall tower, wallet takes the key from Troy and flashes of cameras, noices of paparazzi greets us, it makes me nervous it's my first public interaction after that incident, and this for the first time when we are making a public appearance together,

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