Chapter 38. Confessions

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"It was amazing I thought it's going to be childish" Erik said putting his hand around Mary's shoulders,

"Yeah it was great but as good as Avengers though" Troy said walking along with Erika.

"Maybe but I liked it as well it was nice light movie" Erika replied shrugging,

"Say whatever you all have in your mind I just have one thing in mine" Mary stretches her arms.

"What is that love" Erik asked smelling her neck "Me"

"No how handsome Chris Hemsworth look in Avengers, when I saw him dark world it was dark world but he made it so colourful, he is so sexy" Mary speaks with dreamy eyes while Erik frowns.

"It's clear Erik she likes Chris more than you" Erika mocks smiling.

Chatting and laughing at jokes they walks in mall going to the food court. Erika and Mary settles down on chairs as the guys goes to get the food.

"Aww thank you my baby you knew what I wanted" Mary squeals seeing Erik with her favorite burger and shake.

"Of course I know everything about you I don't think so your Chris can do that" Erik replied still a bit annoyed and jealous.

Erika smiles at the cute couple in front of her, Troy comes with her food sitting beside her.

"Here" he said putting the burger and shake down,

"Thank You" Erika said smiling.

"It was an great idea of hanging out together" Mary said happy because her friends are here with her.

"You both should have gone on a romantic date without us" Erika replies, Troy nods agreeing with her.

"Nah.. That's no fun in it, it's too much fun with everyone together right love" Mary nods at Erik.

Troy looks at smiling Erika and notice she have sauce at corner of her lips, he looks at her how adorable she looks eating her food enjoying every bit of it unaware of everything else this is one of the many reasons he likes about her, she is selfless, she doesn't care about looks and beauty all the time though she have plenty of it, she just don't care about all this.

He picks up the tissue wrapping it around his finger, taking it towards her lips, he can feel her soft lips, he gently wipes the sauce from the corner of her lips, while Mary and Erik looks at them with mischief.

"Thank You" she murmured, she was taken back at first from the feeling of his hand over her lips, but then she realised he is trying to wipe the sauce off, he wiped it so gently, she really likes how much he cares for her, as he was wiping it she couldn't help but to look in his eyes which were looking at her softly.

"Aww look Erik learn something from Troy" Mary said hitting him with her elbow.

"Love I don't need to learn I taught Troy all this or do you think a brawler like him can be this soft" Erik teases his friend.

"Speak wisely or this brawler will make you a crawler" Troy replies smirking,

"Let's go bowling" Mary said excitedly.

"Yeah great idea love, it'll be fun let's see which team will win" Erik looks at Troy and Erika narrowing his eyes.

"Okay" they said in unison.

They all enter the bowling alley of big mall, Mary still having her drink in her hand Erik stealing sips from it again and again, she slaps him jokingly to stop him but he then starts nibbling on her face.

Seeing them both Erika and Troy smiles on how cute they look.

"I hope you are ready to lose Troy now watch it" Erik shows two fingers pointing from his eyes to the pins in front,

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