65. Forever

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Erika's POV

The soft sun rays touches me warmly, adjusting my eyes to the shinning sun I open my eyes slowly, they falls on the most handsome face, he looks like god of beauty with his hairs messy, shadowing his temple, his eyes gleaming, his skin seems to shine under sunlight, no don't worry he is not a vampire according to twilight,

He is looking at me with a sweet smile "Good Morning love"

"Good Morning" sitting up I replied still sleepy "What were you doing?"

"I was watching a fairy sleep" he replied with a boyish smirk,

"Stalker" he chuckled,

"I'm but can't deny that I can spend hours looking at you like when we get here you fell asleep due to jet leg though I couldn't as I spend the whole night looking at you" he is impossible sometimes, but I love him,

Suddenly a smell invades my senses my eyes snaps towards the delicious looking breakfast resting on the trolley beside him, it's mouthwatering,

"Like what you see" he asks raising his eyebrow "I knew you would be hungry so I made it"

Aww it's so nice of him, having delicious breakfast when you wake up is a bliss especially when you are sucker for it "Thank You",

He brings a piece of toast to me, my eyes falls on his flexing muscles, I can't stop my eyes from drooling on his shirtless sight as well as blushing because of same,

Where is his shirt, oh my bad it's on me,

"What do I get for it" I know what he wants,

"You can have bite too" I act innocent,

"I was thinking the same wifey" saying me leans in kissing me passionately,

"Troy I have not brushed yet" I complained Thank God I don't have a bad breath,

"I don't care" replying he again starts sucking the air out of me "Things you do to me" he curses under his breath,

Settling again on the chair he starts feeding me like I'm some baby, no matter how much I try to tell him I can do it myself he won't listen, even I have never taken care of me the way he takes care of me,

I moans at the test of the delicious omelette, I loved it, Its shame that I can't cook this is great, he is a great chef, and handsome one as well,

He watches me with amusing eyes upon my reaction, blushing I look down "Why don't you have it" moving his hand towards him I speak,

"No" coming closer to me he whispers in my ear "I'm rather hungry for something else" his raspy voice dripping with seduction sends jolts down my spine,

"Let's get ready we have long day awaiting for us" nodding my head he gives me one of his charming smile,

I'm wrecked excited, we are going to visit beautiful and things I always used to see on Pinterest, Troy is setting up the bath, I walk up to the door opening it letting the fresh breeze touch me, the warm sunlight caressing me softly, closing my eyes I enjoy the pure environment,

The sound of waves, the song of birds, the golden sparkles of sand, the earthly smell, Ohh I love it, the feeling of tranquility, now I realize what do we miss living in city life it blinds us with the false glitter and shine those fake lights curtains the authentic true beauty of nature,

Four days ago when I came here, the first thing that swept me off my feet after that fact that Troy owns a damn island, with a unreal looking villa, is the clean and unpolluted surrounding, now I understand why people do get aways, to beautiful destinations I was never one of those people being too focused on my career I consider it a waste of money and time, but now I'm kinda getting why do people run from the city life that what makes them run,

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