Chapter 49. End

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Opening his eyes lights hit them making him blink several times to get his vision to normal, groaning holding his head which feels heavier than an mountain he scans the white hospital room sunlight coming through window seeing it's morning he quickly gets up from the bed "Shit" he curses under his breath breaking the drip attached to his wrist.Wearing his shoes he grabs his jacket ready to leave.

Mary enters his room wiping her eyes "Troy" finding him ready shocks her.

"How long I was out?" he asks stuffing his phone in his pocket.

"For twenty-eight hours" he looks at her in disbelief and annoyance.

"Troy you.. Ok?" Erik comes stopping him from leaving "Where are you going?"

"What does that suppose to mean Erik" he looks at him "Of course I'm going to Erika"

They both gulps down witnessing their strange behavior his body goes tensed "What? How's Erika? Why you both are standing like this answer me" impatiently he walks past them.

Erik grabs his hand "Stop Troy.. She is not here"

"Not here then where is she?" he searches his friend's face for answer.

"She is alright.. She is fine it's just she still needs extra care so.. Her father has took her into his other hospital" Erik says Mary gives him an stare.

"She is alright" smiling he sighs "Thank God" saying his hugs Erik "Take me to her I wanna see her I know she must want to see me" his heart getting anxious to meet her.

"Alright first you calm down.. Wait here.. I come taking care of the papers then I'll take you to her cool" Erik reasons with him like an elder do with child.

Letting out an frown with sigh he agrees.

Patting his shoulder Erik saunters out of the room Mary following him.

"What you have done?" trailing along with him she hisses sadly.

"I didn't had much of a choice" he replies curtly stressed out by situation.

As promised Erik guides Troy into car and gets in with Mary sitting on backseat, silent and stressed.

"Mary you look tensed you should be happy that Erika is alright" Troy speaks to her looking at her from the rear view mirror.

Caught by her expression she searches for words "I'm.. I'm very happy but she haven't yet came home so I'm just worried" she let's out an breathe chuckle.

"She is out of danger.. And I'm sure after seeing me she'll be very happy she'll be alright very soon she is very strong" he says with hopeful eyes waiting to see her.

Mary nods trying to control her tears, Erik glues his eyes at road licking his
dry lips.

His heart was just thinking about Erika and nothing else "what she'll do after seeing him what if her father and brother won't allow him to meet her no they won't do anything to hurt her, how long it will take to recover how hurt she is when did she wake up, meeting her I'll hug her for like hours will look at her face for hours won't leave her side even for moment now"He was knocked out for hours yet the effect of anesthesia his eyes and head still feels heavy, his head resting on door he keeps looking at the trees from the speeding car, his eyelids starts closing again as he drifts to sleep.

The car stops at the place "Troy" Erik wakes him up softly.

"We are here" excitedly he hops out of car but the place in front of him makes him petrified, he stares at Mary and Erik questioning.

Holding his hand Erik guides him in the deserted cemetery filled with leaves cracking beneath their feet. Sensing the things Troy ambles behind him.

Erik stops and moves away from the middle Troy could now see Erika.

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