Chapter thirty two: The Letter

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(💋 A special shoutout to a lovely lady: @yooo_itsamira , go check out her wonderful works!! 💋)

     After breakfast and chores Y/n and Jason were at the table once more, looming over a blank piece of paper. Pen clutched in hand, she gritted her teeth in thought. Her boyfriend giving loving support, was casually petting her head, trying to relax her death grip.

    "Honey, we got a big storm coming." You giggled at the old vine you quoted. Twirling the pen, you pursed your lips. "One more time..." Glancing at the many balled up pieces of paper on the table, you sighed.
It took a while but you eventually settled for a simple letter, hoping it was enough, though you knew the phone was going to ring the second it was received.
"Dear Mom and Lil, 
                     I'm okay!! I know you both are probably worried sick and apologize. I ended up staying longer than originally had intended. I'm doing great things here and it's so beautiful! I sent some photos in the envelope so you can see what I mean! Though it is far more breathtaking in person. I have someone here by my side who has been a lifesaver. He has been wonderful and very kind to me. My plan is to stay here and maintain the camp, but I will still be doing my library work, just not as often. I hope you can understand.
                                       I love you both very much, 
                                                                your daughter and friend,
                                                                                                                     Y/n ~xxx"

Jason nuzzled your neck as you sealed of the envelope and wrote your mother's address.  Wrapping his arms around your small frame, you leaned into him slightly, pressing the stamps to the top.
"I better go ahead and sent it before I have second thoughts," breathing a laugh he let you go as you stood up. "you know, for letting her know of course." Smiling you cupped his cheek, resulting with him leaning immediately into the addicting sensation. "Nothing to do with leaving." Eyes sparkling with emotion he gave a curt nod and bent down to kiss your cheek.

╳°»。 ∾・⁙・ ღ ➵ ⁘ ➵ ღ ・⁙・∾ 。«°╳ 

  With the letter sent Y/n was anxious for the next few days, but kept cleaning up and working as usual. Jason was more than happy to assist, and was a big help with chopping wood (making her look away and flush red seeing him shirtless for the first time. So, of course he teased her mercilessly until the next day.) The camp soon looked cleaner and more welcoming, and Y/n and Jason were both excited for the following summer. As the leaves fell from the trees, raking became a fun chore for the lively couple.         
     Drawing leaves, making angels out of the fresh piles, and also trying to name every color of red you could. It felt like a dream. Y/n couldn't be happier with Jason, despite the murders and awful clean ups that had him apologizing endlessly. She simply shook her head and made sure he was unharmed. It had secretly made her nervous that it was becoming so accommodating, but she brushed it off because she loved him more than anything. It seemed to be just her and him against everyone else, and she wouldn't change it for the world.

╳°»。 ∾・⁙・ ღ ➵ ⁘ ➵ ღ ・⁙・∾ 。«°╳

   It was a windy, cloudy Saturday evening so Jason and Y/n decided to stay inside, cuddled up on the couch and watching her favorite cartoons. She wanted to share her favorite childhood things with him since he didn't really get to have a proper one.

  As a laugh track went off, you giggled against a warm chest, feeling the vibrations of Jason's laugh behind you.
The doorbell rang, causing you to jump, and alerting Jason. 
"I'll get it." You tried to get up but he grabbed your wrist gently. 
"It'll be okay." He shook his head, refusing to let go. 
"Hmm... come with me then!" He seemed to think it over before standing up and grabbing his mask off the coffee table. He never wore it when you were alone anymore. How else was he supposed to feel your soft hair against his chin, or administer kisses? 

Holstering his weapon you nodded, signaling him to move behind the door; just out of view.
He complied, waiting patiently. 

  Opening the door, you were met with a mailman's face. His shoes were muddy and he didn't exactly look happy to see you.
"Why is your house so fucking far away?!" He shoved the letter to you, glaring down at you.
"Next time put your mailbox down there!" Jabbing his finger to the end of the long trail leading to the road, you gave an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry sir, thank you for your-"
"Forget it fatass I'm never coming back here again!" Turning on his heel, he stomped away, cursing the whole way back down the trail with his feet getting stuck in the mud every now and then. 
Looking at the letter in your hands you frowned at the sight of the mud and crumpled paper. "Well geez, what a mean gu-" But before you finished your sentence you gave a start, feeling Jason bolted past you.
  Watching him speed after the mailman you held your chest. 
"Oh dear... I better get his clothes off the line, seeing as we have a new batch on its way..." 

Screams of anguish and slicing sounds filled the air. Birds flew from the trees soon after, as you closed the door behind you.

"Now then. Let's see what's in this letter shall we?"

✯¸.•'*¨'*•✿ 💀 ✿•*'¨*'•.¸✯ 

Hello my lovely Riceballs~ I sincerely apologize, I meant to upload this yesterday but my wifi cut off due to the weather.
I love how Y/n gives no Fs about the murders now lmfao

Sorry it's short, but stay strong! There's gonna be a great finale hehe~

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