~Valentine's Special~ ♡

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[A/N: Sorry this is late, loves! 😓♡!
Warning: I maybe sorta got carried away so this is a tiny bit spicy, so if you're not about that life, don't read! ;) lol sry]


"Perfect! I hope he likes it."

Y/n was in another baking hyper drive mode. Chocolate everywhere. On her face, on her apron, on the counters, in bags, and some smeared in her bangs. She just wanted her first Valentine's with Jason to go well. He's never done something like this, so she sent him off for simple random errands to get him out of the cabin so she could be ready to give him her chocolate by the time he came back.

"I better start cleaning up this mess..."

After curling the ribbon ends with scissors, you tied off the clear bag of heart shaped chocolates. There were pink hearts printed on the bag, and you couldn't help but buy them. They were too cute! You might've gone a little overboard though. Giggling to yourself and looking down at the piles of bagged candy goodness and cards, you were glad you splurged a bit. There was some for the kids, your mom, roommate, the little old lady in the shoppe, and even Ariel as well.

Cleaning up was easy, since you had music to bop to as you worked. Your playlist was filled with your favorite tunes, so of course you were in a great mood.

After the kitchen finished looking like a tornado hadn't just passed through, you put the excess candy back in the fridge to deliver later on. You left out the big bag filled with extra love and chocolate (obviously for Jason), with a tag that said "To my Lovely Sweetheart" attached, on the counter, and headed upstairs to clean and doll yourself up. Why not? It's a special day and you wanted to feel cute for your man.

Humming happily, you scampered up the stairs to the main bathroom to hop in the shower. Your clean towels folded on the near by shelf,  you nodded to yourself as you did a mental check list of things you needed. Lotion, shaving cream, etc. You wanted to be extra clean and smooth tonight!~


One gallon of milk, two cartons of eggs, one bar of-

Jason was going down the list of thing Y/n had given him to get. Seriously. A killer walking down the side of the back streets with a bag of groceries. It was almost laughable. Though he'd kill anyone who'd mock him or his girl.

Jason had seen more couples than ever, today. It was weird. Hearts everywhere, chocolate everywhere, flowers, teddy bears, and more bright stuff that hurt his head.

He just wanted to see Y/n and give her the bag of things she wanted. It was strange how she had kept kicking him out. He hope he hadn't upset her... Each task she gave him and he'd finish, she'd freak out and kick him out again! What was her deal today? He was going to find out.

~Somewhere Ms. Voorhees was chuckling to herself. Well, as much as a disembodied voice could. She wished she could be there to watch the silliness unfold.~
"Oh my silly boy.."

Huffing to himself, Jason had made it back to his and his lovely Y/n's cabin. He wouldn't be driven out this time, no sir. No way, no how.

   Creaking the door open quietly as to not alert you, he entered cautiously and looked around. Hearing the singing and shower running upstairs, he grinned behind his mask, glad to see you wouldn't going to be able to give him anymore aimless tasks. Though, he'd do anything for you, he was tired and just wanted to sit down for a while.
Kicking off his boots after placing the groceries down and shoving his trusty machete into the block of wood you had placed for him near the door, he made his way to the couch and sank deep into the cushions with a satisfied sigh. He was glad you had egged him into letting you buy new furniture, for it was extremely comfortable. His home felt full of love and comfort, and he didn't feel like it was a hide out or some survival shack in the middle of the woods anymore. 

Waiting for you to finish, he looked around with vacant eyes, until they came into focus on a big bag. 
...Smells nice.

I Don't Mind the Rain Anymore- Jason Voorhees x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now