Chapter eight: Crushing Victory.

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"Okay, so I got the games done and food planned. All we have to do is ask Axel how many brats are coming, so we can assign cabins."

Reading over her notes, you nod thoughtfully.

"Mm. Thanks girlie, this is a huge help. Also, maybe don't call them brats to their face."

Ariel had gone into secretary mode, her notes well planned out and detailed. She might have had a bad reputation but she got her work done and was excellent at it.

"Ah. Got it." She answered.

Stifling a yawn with her hand, she did an okay finger circle with the other.

It's the late afternoon now, and your chance meeting with Jason became the second thing on your mind. You knew he was a priority, but with the camp organizing, you barely had time to think about what he was doing. Though you hoped to see him again. You were scared he would do something to Ariel when you left her presence, so you stayed close to be safe. The last thing you needed was to witness a murder; especially with someone you cared about so deeply now..

"So, ahead and rest in your room. You deserved it." You suggested, while rubbing her back.

"Most def. It's been a long day."

"No kidding..." 
You thought, Jason's note seeming to burn in your pocket.

Waving her off after walking her to the middle of the dirt trail, you watched Ariel safely enter her cabin.

"Well there's that..." You sighed, eyes wandering to the forest.

You gasped, coincidentally spotting Jason beckoning you over from behind a tree.

You walked cautiously to him, behind the large oak tree.

You couldn't see his face, but felt he wanted to.. talk? Stare? You didn't know what he wanted.

Reaching him, you gave a small nervous smile.

"J-Jason? What's wrong?" Voice quivering, and you hoped he didn't notice.

Looking down out you, with easy going pace, he lifted his huge hand.

"Is he going to strike me?!"

Squeezing your eyes shut you started to shake, expecting a hit.

But instead of pain, you were met with a soft head pat. He ruffled your hair, and grunted.


You peeked one eye open, meeting his intense gaze with a curious one.

Standing still, you both enjoyed each other's silent interaction.

"His eyes are so pretty.."

He ceased the pat and froze, going bug eyed.

"Hm? What happened?"

"Jason?- Oh my!"

You saw his ears turn a hint of pink as he looked away; retracting his hand.

"Oh dear, did I say that out loud?" You asked sheepishly.

He nodded but avoided looking at you.

"It's true though..."  You mumbled.

Unexpectedly he pulled you into a hug, dropping his weapon in the process.


His hold was possessive. Yet he was so warm. You couldn't wrap your arms around him all the way, his large form no match for your reach.

He snuggled you closer and nuzzled his masked face into the crook of your neck. He had to bend down, but didn't seem to mind in the slightest.

Giggling, the fact he was killer didn't cross your mind at all. All you felt was this man's body heat and his childish ways. He was adorable.

After a few minutes past, you gently broke away.

"You're so silly." 

Tilting his head you let out another laugh.

You stepped back, frowning.

"Hmm. You're kind of dirty... Do you want to clean up?"

Confused, he looked down at himself then back at you. He didn't get what you meant. He probably never cared enough to shower or learn proper hygiene routines. He did live alone in the woods after all.

He smelled of rain, blood and dirt. You wanted to help him. But just as you were going to ask him where he lived, a shout snapped you from your thoughts.



You exchanged looks with Jason, and he picked his machete up from the ground and marched to the voice.

"Uh oh."

"Jason wait!" You tried to yell at him to not kill him, but once his switch was flipped, there was no stopping him.

Mind filled with murderous intents, he searched for the voice. Hearing Fred saying his girl's name, powered his fury.

Voice not reaching him, you gave up. You hated violence, but what could you do? He was huge! His Godlike strength could crush you. You were too young to die. But even if you weren't, you still didn't want to!

Jogging coming to a halt, all you could do is you watch Jason's back charge towards Fred's shouting.

"I might as well go back to my cabin..." You concluded, shaken up and still panting. You weren't exactly in the best shape to be running.

Looking back one more time, you made a U turn back to the camp, pushing the fear down inside.


"Rodney? Dude, where are you?"

Fred had went back to check on his stoner bud. He wasn't on the roof anymore.

Seeing the slashed tire and blade marks on the side of the door made him worried.

"The hell happened here? My van!"

He was vexed at his friend and wanted to interrogate him. How could this happen?!

Storming around the cabins, he yelled for Rodney. But he then grew concerned when he couldn't find anyone.

Axel was gone. He assumed it was because he ditched them there, but then the officer stopped checking in on them. He assumed that was because he didn't care anymore. But then Y/n was gone? Wasn't she supposed to be doing lame ass planning shit? Where the hell did everyone go?! Ariel was in her cabin; the only one he saw.

Going deeper into the forest, he stepped on something that made him sick to the stomach. A dead body?! Not just any body. It was Rodney!! His skull was smashed in and he was tossed in the bushes. The sight and smell made Fred throw up near by.

"Oh fuck... No.. It can't be..."

Horrified by the sight, he ran back to the camp. He had to warn the others! What if they didn't believe him!? No, he could always show them. Oh but he didn't want to see it again.... Remembering the graphic image made him queasy for the second time. On the verge of tears he ran on the adrenaline and fear. 

No animal would do this. It had to be a murderer. Jason? But he was fake! A legend!

Thoughts racing, he screamed for Y/n. He couldn't bare to lose her. Even if he had ill intentions, he still didn't want her dead.

Screaming her name, Fred found the van yet again. But he wasn't alone. A masked figure had reached him first.

Barely missing him, he swung as Fred ducked away. He made it inside the passenger seat, slamming the door shut. The engine rolled, not turning on. Typical. Jason had smashed the front window in, about to grab the terrified blond. Glass shattered everywhere and cutting into his arms, Fred hissed.

"Oh no, you don't!"

Getting the van to start last second, he punched the gas pedal. Driving unsmoothly, due to only three tires working, he drove forwards; dust flying everywhere. With Jason still on the bonnet, he avoided the killer's deadly swings and grabs as the van swerved.

Hitting a tree, Jason was pinned against the van and the trunk. Fred exited the vehicle and ran to the cabins. He needed to arm himself, and call the cops. But how?! With no phone line, he desperately thought for answers.

"Oh god, oh god, oh god..."

Running and picking glass shards from his arms, he held his wound to stop the blood. Pulling of his red hoodie, he used it as a bandage, tying around his right arm.

Seeing as the lights were on in Y/n's cabin, he banged on the door urgently. Kicking the rock aside that held the door close, he entered her room, out of breath.

"Y/n?! Where are you?! We need to get out of here! Jason is rea-"

Getting cut off, he looked down, eyes wide in disbelief. 


A blade was sticking out through his back and pierced all the way through his stomach. He dropped to ground and the sharp object got pulled back out.

"Impossible..." His dying words were cut short as a giant boot crushed his throat; head rolling slightly to the left, then getting stepped on again like a bug.


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