Chapter thirteen: You're On My Mind.

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"...This is where I die."

The seconds felt like hours. You were so nervous but you didn't know why. What were you even to Jason? What was he to you? Were you friends? Maybe you should've figured that out before you offered to bed together... great going Y/n.

He let you change in private, while he too, took his boots and jacket off.

You offered to sleep on the floor, so he could take the bed, but this resulted in him yanking you onto to the bed with him. You were as stiff as a statue, not expecting to be close proximity that fast.

This brings us back to the current situation.

I'm... being spooned by a killer right now.

Though through your shaken up state Jason had let out a small laugh that startled you. Wrapping you up in a hug, your back was pressed up against his muscular form. 

"Whoa... does he just workout all day?" You thought, blushing.

He was definitely enjoying this too much... Somehow you knew he was teasing you, with each silent chuckle in your ear.

It was late, and you were worn out, so you accepted your fate. He was warm and you never were held like this before, so it felt nice. No man has ever been so gentle with you before, or even this close! He was holding you strongly, but in way you could be let free easily, but he didn't want you to be.

Your heart rate slowed as you slipped into a deep slumber, in the comforting arms of the masked man.

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You rolled over, snuggling closer to the warmth you felt next you.
"Wait- warmth?!"

Eyes shooting open, you abruptly sat up, but was pulled back down before you had a chance to register what what happening.

"Wah!" Hitting a hard surface, soon realizing was a chest, you yelped in surprise.

"Who?! -Oh!" 

Thoughts clearing, you recalled the night before.

Jason nuzzled your neck sleepily and you laughed, feeling foolish and embarrassed.

"Pft, sorry Jason, I thought... something else.. happened." You said softly, mostly to assure yourself.

Once more you tried to sit up but he groaned, squeezing you close.

You giggled, poking the nose of his mask.

 "Silly. I need to make breakfast for the kids and- oh no!"

You gasped and patted his arm twice quickly to release you. When he did, you jumped out of bed and rummaged your closet for clothes.

He sat up slowly and confused, watching you in such a hurry.

Looking back once just to shout, "Ariel!" he understood.

He helped you gather your things; today's outfit a quick toss on of your "mom jeans" and navy blue sweatshirt hoodie with converse. Then dashing to Ariel's cabin, you prayed she hadn't been up.

You peeked through the door window and spotted her still asleep, hugging a pillow.

You heaved a sigh of relief and trotted to the kitchen for breakfast preparations.

Today's meal was scrambled eggs, bacon and toast. You set out jam and butter along with the table setting. It was basic, but you knew how picky kids were, so simple was best.

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Leaving Y/n's cabin feeling well rested than normal, Jason made his morning rounds. He was eliminating any nuisances he found would disturb her or the children. He still didn't care for Ariel, but he knew she'd be upset if he killed her.

After dumping a horny teenage couple he found and had massacred into the lake, he went to greet the remains of his Mother. Seeing them get down and dirty near his own house/shack, he didn't hesitate to do away with them.

Such filth near Mother won't do.

Tidying the shrine of candles he had surrounding the head of Pamela Voorhees, the killer reached into his pocket and pulled out the note Y/n had left him alongside the food she had also made. The little messages and heart on the paper filled his chest.
He placed it next to his Mother's sweater, and the black umbrella Y/n had dropped on the first day of her arrival.

His heart beat sped up as he admired her belongings. It felt different than what he felt towards his Mother. He cared about them both, but Y/n made him feel warm and fuzzy. Did he even like feeling like this?

He tapped the umbrella.

How dare she make me feel warm and fuzzy...

He grinned behind his mask, stunned by his feelings. He wasn't supposed to have them, right? He wasn't really human anymore, with all the events he's been through. Dying multiple times, being dug up, stabbed, strangled... bad karma or what. If you name it, he's been through it.

After all this, he really found someone as kind and amazing as she was. He didn't know how she felt, but she obviously wasn't afraid of him. Hopefully he could get her to stay. He wanted her. He needed her.

I Don't Mind the Rain Anymore- Jason Voorhees x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now