Chapter twenty five: UNO what? Let's Talk Parents.

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"Straw and Hay is the same thing!"

"What? No it's not!"



"This is the last straw."

"...I'm starting to think you just started this argument so you could say those puns."

"Well I'm starting to think... you're on to something."


It had been about ten minutes after Y/n and Jason headed out and left the blond siblings alone and bored outta their mind. Sleeping just wasn't going to cut it this time. So mindless arguing over dumb things, card and board games, and then straight up making up a new handshake with each other was just enough to pass the time.

Blake flopped onto a near couch with a sigh.

"Hey Ange?" He asked, arms propped behind his head against the arm rest.

"What? I'm busy preparing UNO. I'll totally win this time."

Counting out six starting cards for them each and shuffling the deck to place near by, she didn't bother facing her brother.

"I just gotta ask you something- and we're not playing UNO. You get way too serious." Sitting up, he threw a couch cushion at her. It missed and knocked over a few cards in the deck.

"Oi. So, what is it? And fyi, UNO is a serious game. I play to win." Sticking her tongue out, she fixed the cards and tucked a white blond strand of hair behind her ear.

"You're so two faced, it's scary. When Rose was here you were so innocent." Fake shuddering, he snorted when she glared at him.

"Shut it, she's like my best friend now." She had warning in her voice, so he let it go. For now.

Holding his hands up in defeat, he joined her to play and for a real talk.

Starting card was red 2.

Blake placed a red 4 on top of it.

"So, what did you want to say? Is it about our parents?"

"Yeah.." Shifting into criss-cross position, he picked at the corner of a card.

Angela placed a red 6 next.

"Well? Do you think we'll have foster parents now or will ours come and get us?"

He placed a green six next.

"Tch. Already changing colors I see." She muttered.

"Do you want new parents?"

She put a green four on top.

Blake smirked and put a green draw two on top of hers and earned another death glare in return.

While she picked up two, he pondered.
Angela "ughed" at her six cards in hand.

"Hmm. Well I don't like our parents so maybe it won't be so bad.. but what if they're the same?"

"Would be some sucky foster care then."

Hitting him with a reverse green card and placing a 5 green on top she laughed in a fake evil laugh.

Rolling his eyes with a confident smile, he put down his own green reverse, a wild draw four, changed the color to red, said uno and then threw his last red 3 down in victory.

"Aghh already?! How?!" Falling backwards, spread out like a star fish on the floor, she dropped her cards and groaned in despair.
"You never win though. Tsk tsk. Not even bothering to draw four either. Come on sis." Blake laughed at the sight.

 "Yeah yeah laugh it up." 

He pulled her up by her outstretched arm and they started to clean up the remaining cards.

"So? Do you think we should try foster parents? I mean for real though, I don't think I can live with them anymore anyway." Blake went serious, the goofy demeanor leaving temporarily.

"What if Miss L/n and Jason took us in?" She giggled at the thought.

"Oh jeez, imagine. A killer dad and an angel mom..." Freezing in thought and folding his arms he cracked a small smile.

"That'd be actually not too bad. Kinda funny." He said, now a huge mischievous grin forming.

Angela's eyes went wide after realizing what he was plotting.

"You don't mean.." 

"I so do mean."

"Blake! This is crazy! We could get in a huge trouble." 

He dragged her to the couch with him and made her sit with him.

"Think about it Ange! If we sabotage the meeting and bring out our parents bad side, then maybe we could stay here!"

"I don't know..." Hesitating, she twirled her hair ends nervously.

"Come on, do you really think our parents care? I mean where are that now? And before? They hit us, yelled at us, always drank; I mean we're kids right?"

Angela sighed and shook her head and her gleaming brothers gaze.

"I can't believe we're going to use our kid nature to get new parents. WEIRDO parents for that matter..." She sighed again, regretting this decision but also wanting to see what would happen.
"Fine. I'm in."

"Yes!" Pumping his fists in the air he shouted.

"Why are we like this." She face palmed. 

"Well sis, if we want happiness. We have to fight for it. Now, let's go. We gotta start Operation: New Parents!"

Both standing up, they ran to the kitchen for "fuel" first. They remembered Y/n had make them snacks before leaving, so they wouldn't have to bother making anything their selves.

Finding glasses already left out for them, they poured each other a glass of apple juice and munched down on the pb&j sandwiches.

"See? She's totally mom material. Our mom never makes us anything. It's always us eating whatever in the fridge." Blake said through mouth fulls of food.

Angela nodded and wiped her mouth after a long swig of juice.
"Yeah, you're right there. Miss L/n is the best. But, it's not her that worries me."

Blake swallowed and ignored the food on his face.
"What'd ya mean?"

"Umm? Jason Voorhees as a dad? Even if he wanted to BE a dad, don't you think it's too fast for him? And what they want to have a baby together? They'll forget about us."

Frowning, a wave of sadness took over her.

"Hmm, well when you came along, after grandma passed she pretty much raised us right? Well then we can just help out! Besides, we still have each other right? And if they get tired of us then.." Growing sad himself he put on a brave face. "then we can move out and leave them alone when we're older!"

"But what if Jason kills us? Or doesn't like us?" She squeaked out.

Blake patted her head and smiled softly.

"Let's be real. If Jason tried to do anything Miss L/n would be pissed. Plus he seems pretty chill. Just awkward. And we're not teens so uh we're probably safe anyway. Come on, finish your food so we can get to schemin'."

"Okay!" Cheering up after that speech he winged, they finished their food and dashed back to the lounge room. Angela unpacked her notebook and markers so they could use it for their ploy.

Spreading out the materials on the coffee table, she handed Blake a marker.

"I feel like the Home Alone kid." Blake grinned.

"Kevin. Yeah me too. But no traps just set ups." 

Writing "Operation: New Parents!" On the top of the paper, Angela nodded in agreement.

"Okay, so I'm thinking, when the car pulls up we can.."


Blake and Angela went to planning until they were satisfied with the results. They ran around with flashlights, putting objects they were going to use to spice up the acts. Water for tears-though Angela could cry on cue, Blake could not- they also ripped holes in their clothing, though they already had a lot of them, they had to make them more noticeable. Anything they could think of to bring out their parents bad parenting. Their parents were horrible to them, but got everyone else to believe they were perfect. It was horrible really. Everything they did was at home, and they'd hit them in places nobody could see. The emotional abuse was really horrendous as well. They planned and planned and wrote and wrote until they passed out together on the sofa, leaning against each other with markers spread everywhere. 

Will this plan really work?

✯¸.•'*¨'*•✿ ✍️🔦🔎 ✿•*'¨*'•.¸✯

(',,•ω•,,)♡ hey hey hey!

Wahh my Riceballs!~ I missed y'all! Hope you guys are all okay. I was busy for a while-still am- but I found some extra time to update ;) Thanks for sticking around those of you who do! I hope you enjoyed.

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