Chapter sixteen: Fluffy.

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"Pwah! Nothing like barley tea after a hot shower." After taking a swig of cold tea, you wiped you mouth on your pink checkered pj sleeve. You just left the showers and where sitting with the also warmed up Ariel, who was blotting her hair dry with a towel. You had your own hair wrapped up at the moment.

"Girl, where you'd even get that?" She asked with curiosity. 

"I made it when you were watching the kids try and stack sticks on each other heads." You grinned at the memory; handing her the glass.

"Ah. Of course you did." She returned a smile of her own, drinking the rest of the handmade beverage.

Reaching in her robe pocket after setting the glass down on the coffee table, Ariel pulled out two face masks.

"Fresh and cool from the fridge! I had some left over, I thought we could spoil ourselves on this rainy night." Opening the packet, she applied the mask and then posed like a model.

"What'd you think? Do I look like Jason?" Her eyes twinkled while she duck lipped in your direction.

"Pfft! I don't think he'd appreciate that. But you do look fabulous." 

Making sure there was minimal creases on the sheet, you pressed the mask into your skin.

"So hey, what happened to you today?? You came back soaking wet and looked... shaken up." Voice switching to a concerned tone and eyes squinting in suspicion, she poked the side of your head.


You told her everything, and by the end of the story, Ariel's expressions went from shock, to sadness, to anger.

"Those assholes!! Did Jason do something?! He helped you right?!"

"Y-yeah, yeah- yes I'm fine! I promise. He helped me and... got rid of them."  You said the last part quietly, but she didn't care.

"Good. God Y/n, I'm so sorry!" Pulling you into a squeeze, she released you and looked you over.

"You didn't get hurt did you?" 

"No, just a bit... like you said, shaken up."

"I'm sorry I didn't know..." She frowned and looked away.

"Hey, it's not your fault! You were with the children. I'm thankful they're alright."

Turning back, she still didn't smile.

"Y/n, the kids were fine, but worry about yourself too alright? You were lucky Jason was there. Maybe next time don't walk alone out there. Or at least bring a weapon!"

"A weapon?" Eyes bugged, you stared in shock.

She blushed. 
"Er, well not like a knife! Like a tazor or keys between your knuckles or something! You know, woman protection."

"Ohh right. Okay, I promise."


Sitting in silence, you waited for the masks to dry. You let your hair down and braided it. Sighing into the sofa, you relaxed and closed your eyes,

But your nosy friend couldn't take the quiet for much longer.

"So... you tell him you like him yet?"

"Ariel!" Slapping her arm in a fun-loving manner, she laughed.

So much for relaxing.

"Well you're bound to end up falling for him. I mean, he saved you right? Didn't you feel like a damsel in distress? Knight in shining... didn't you say he used a machete? ...Knight in shining machete."

Arm propped up on the back of the couch to hold her head, she faced you and smirked.

Twisting the empty packet in your hands awkwardly, you felt your cheeks heat up.

"W-well he's nice. And caring, I.. guess... I can say.." Trailing off you lost the courage to speak without voice squeaking in embarrassment.

"Aha! Well, no need to rush. This is your first crush right?"

"Um, I've had crushes Ariel.."

She rolled her eyes and huffed.

"Oh honey... school boy crushes don't count. This is adult life!"

"Feels the same."

"True, but as an adult, you can actually go out with them and not" she waved her hand in the air aimlessly, "stare behind your friends and peek at him at recess."

"I guess you got me there."

Peeling off your mask, you patted the product into your skin and got up.

"Well, I should go to bed."

"Alone?~~" She purred up at you.

"Probably~" You said back with a wink.

"Y/n!!" She gasped and squealed.

"I'm kidding, perv!" 

Fleeing the scene of teasing hell, you left Ariel to laugh on the couch by herself. You knew she wanted to read magazines before bed anyway.

The rain had made its way to a drizzle, so you just had to book it to your cabin. You hoped the kids were sleeping soundly.

"Oh man, but I just showered.."  
You whined and looked out into the dark. You could only see the rain in the spot lights on the trails. 

As you started to calculate how you'd sprint to your room, someone came up behind you. The rain wasn't hitting you at all anymore.


Feeling sudden warmth behind you, you looked up to a jacket behind held over you.

"Oh my..." You blushed and the display.

Jason was above you, holding his jacket over his and your heads. It was a huge material compared to your size, so it was like an umbrella.

Indicating you jog together, you nodded and then you both ran to your door. 

You stop locking your door, so with a simple push, it squeaked open.

Once inside, you thanked him sheepishly.

"Thank you, once again. I feel like I owe you so much."

He shrugged it off like it was no big deal, but to you that was the most sweetest thing a guy had done for you. Shocking, since he literally just finished killing two guys with the utmost ease.

You both took off your shoes and he tossed his jacket on the floor near the door. You rushed to pick it up and hanged it on a hanger on the dresser to dry. He let out a breath of laughter and you stuck your tongue out at him playfully.

Going to your chest of drawers, you pulled out a towel and stood in front of him.

"Can I?"

He stared into your eyes, and your heart picked up speed. You could hear nothing but the gentle rain on the window and the pounding in your ears.

He was taking you in. He knew you were anxious but didn't know it was him who made you that way. He thought you were just scared from today's events. But you had already forgotten. He made you dumb. 

You both were as still as a couple of statues; you holding out the towel, and him sitting on the edge bed looking at every feature on your face.

"Um, I'll go red if you keep staring at me like that."

He flinched, like not realizing what he was doing, and then nodded to you. His ears were a tint of pink but you didn't say anything.

You didn't dare to mess with his mask so you patted it dry still on his face. You dried his head and the small bit of hair he had. You didn't mind. It was kinda cute. Oh jeez, anything about him was adorable and you tried not to think about it.

But in the midst of getting him warmed up again, your mom/teacher mode activated and you kind of forgot you were... alone. In a dimly lit room. Toweling off... a man.

Completely oblivious to the situation, you reached his arms. Dang. His arm.

"He's jacked..."

Jason snapped his head up and met your eyes again.

"W-what?" You stop patting.

He stared at you again but this time in disbelief. 

"Oh my goodness, I didn't say that out loud did I?"

He slowly nodded and you could tell his eyebrows were raised.

"That's so embarrassing!"  You screamed internally.

Quickly covering his entire face and head with the towel, you jumped into the bed, face down.

Groaning into the pillow, you ignored his chuckles. He removed the towel and got up.

"Oh no, he's gonna leave- wait why do I want him to stay?"
  You peeked out from the pillow.

Jason was already snuggled into the covers next to you.

"Huh?! You're going to sleep here?"

Giving you puppy dog eyes they basically begged, "Why... can't I stay?"

"Well.. I suppose since it's so late..."

Going under the covers yourself, you nestled closer and into his chest.

He froze at the sudden development.

"You're just warm okay? This is normal." You were telling this mostly to yourself but he smiled behind his mask and hummed in response, clearly not believing you.

Wrapping his arms around you, he rested his chin on the top of your head.

"Goodnight Jason." You whispered, but he was already fast asleep.

✯¸.•'*¨'*•✿ ☔️ ✿•*'¨*'•.¸✯

Hehe hope you enjoyed my little Riceballs!~ I've been busy doing SAT stuff so I'll be busy, but I'll try to update whenever I'm free. 


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