Chapter thirty four: Colder Days

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   Trees swayed gently in the morning glow outside of a warm cabin. Birds chirped their greetings and sang to start the day off, each showing off their own songs. The Crystal Lake, once filled with sadness and fear, now shimmered beautifully across the horizon. The sun seemed to be smiling down saying, "There's nothing to fear now."  
Sheets rustled in the master bedroom, and two individuals that were cuddled together, sat up with a yawn and a stretch.

  "Good morning... sleep okay?" You groggily asked your sleepy soulmate.
Jason nodded, his unmasked presence making you grin.

After a moment of silence, an idea popped into your troublesome head.
"Hey handsome."
That woke him up. Staring at you in his special way, you leaned up to kiss his cheek. But before he eagerly went in for more, you got up and giggled. 
"Nuh uh. I need to brush my teeth first mister. Let's go." Playfully ignoring his stunned expression you hurried to the bathroom, squealing as he quickly jumped up after you. The door locking behind you both made it apparent. Today was definitely going to be another great one.


Breakfast was delicious as usual. Chatting with Jason felt so natural and easy. You'd never get bored of it. 
"So what's our plans for today hun? I'm thinking..." biting your lip, Jason squeezed your knee under the table. Startling you, your eyes shot to his, his smirk immediately making your heart pound. 
"Yes, okay of course that." His eyes shined at your reaction. His chest filled with fuzzy feelings. Oh how he loved that he could make you feel so flustered.

"But other than that-" grabbing his hand to hold. "I think we should go for a stroll before we work."

Nodding, he grabbed his mask as you tied your boots and slid on a jacket. The weather was starting to get chilly, and you knew people usually stayed away at this time. Jason would never let his guard down fully, but when the weather was like this, he was definitely more relaxed. Both ready to go and hand in hand, you head out.

The camp was in need of dire cleaning but Jason wasn't going to let you clean alone in the cold. What if you got sick?! His heart would break at the sight of you so weak. No puppy eyes could get you out of this one, so you let it go.

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Finishing up the day's tasks was cut short, for the wind started to pick up rapidly and it became nearly impossible to clean properly. Jason noticed you sniffling and thought it was time to head back to the warmth of your home. You agreed, and hung your dirty rag on the railing of the cabin's stairs. The various wind chims clinked viciously behind you, as you followed Jason back to your humble abode.

"It sure got colder, huh!? You shivered, glancing up at his covered face. Giving a nod of agreement, you watched his breath come through the holes of his mask. But other than that, you noticed he seemed unphased. Well, it's to be expected but you still had no idea how he could not even flinch at the way the wind was pushing against your walk forward. 

"Hey, c-could I hold your hand?" Teeth chattering, your eyes glued to his large hand, you just knew it would warm your smaller ones right up. Without hesitation he gently reached out waiting for you to grab on. Interlocking your fingers with his, you grinned as he gripped your hand and put it inside his jacket pocket, furthering the warmth between you.

Throughout the walk, you chatted with the silent man, enjoying his company. Reaching the door, he held it open for you as you stepped inside with a content sigh. Jason head to the fireplace to start a fire, so you decided to head upstairs to change into something more comfortable and cozy. Dawning your desired attire and much needed fuzzy socks, you joined Jason back downstairs.

"I think we should start preparing for the winter.." Plopping down on the couch, Jason wrapped a blanket around you and kissed your forehead. Smiling in return, he settled next to you, ready to listen. "I know we have plenty of vegetables from the garden and meat, but I think I want some winter specific stuff." Tilting his head, he waited for you to emphasize. "Like.. some peppermint, cocoa, and some baking ingredients; because I definitely want to make you one of your Mother's famous pies." He squeezed around your waist, his heart swelling from your thoughtfulness. Going through the once dusty bookshelves, (you made sure to have thoroughly cleaned the whole place before settling) you had found one of Pamela's many homemade recipe books. You were so happy for all the footnotes and detailed instructions because you weren't exactly a baking connoisseur before, but she made you feel like you could make anything! From the pies, cookies and pastries, you wanted to give Jason the taste of his childhood he oh so missed. It was something you were looking forward to the most. Thanksgiving went wonderfully, so you didn't want to disappoint, this upcoming Christmas.

"So, I wanted to head into town tomorrow, how about it?" Jason's grip tightened slightly.
"What's wrong?" You asked. He huffed in annoyance into your hair.

You went to hold his head in your hands. 
"Are you worried about me?" He didn't make eye contact.

"You can join me." His eyes finally met yours. "You can wait in the car of course. I need my big, strong man to help with my bags." Winking at him, he let out the breath he was unintentionally holding."I'm going to go do the dishes, care to join me?" He nodded, untangling you from out of your blanket burrito.

"I think we need dish soap as well-" Just as you reached the kitchen, the phone rang from across the room.

"I got it.-" Jason gave a silent chuckle. "Oh. Right. I forgot." Picking up the phone, you answered. "Hello?"

"Y/N!!!!!" DID YOU FORGET ME ALREADY?!?!" Holding the phone from your now ringing ear, you groaned. "I did not forget you Lil. No need to scream, I'm right here." She scoffed. "Yeah that's the problem! You disappeared on us!" You shook your head at your friend. "You got a letter, remember? I even tried to call your new number, but youuu were the one who didn't answer." There was a beat of silence. She cleared her throat. "Ah. Yeah I forgot about our rule-" "YOUR rule-" You interjected. "-MY rule...well anyway, Mia went to work, but your mom is here." You gasped. "She is?!" Your heart picked up pace. "Yeah. She's in the kitchen doing the dishes, though I told her not to. You guys and your cleaning... Let me go tell her you picked up."
Jason looked at you over the counter. You gave a small smile. "My mom" you mouthed him.
He nodded.

"Hey honey! Are you there?" Your chest tightened with emotion. "Hey momma," you softly responded, scared of what she was going to say. "Oh baby.. don't get so nervous! I can hear it in your voice. I'm not mad at you. I was just worried! You left out of nowhere, but I got your letter in the mail... After Lilith did of course."

"Yes, I think she threatened the mailman." You snorted.

"Oh most certainly. How is he?" He, being Jason, you grinned. 
"He's great momma. He is everything I ever wanted and more. I wish you could meet him."

"Oh don't worry about that, plus I don't think my poor old heart could take it!" She chuckled. 
"You're not old!" Protesting, you raised your voice.

"Only you would say that! I'm just glad to hear you're happy and safe my dear. I have to go now, Lilith is pacing so much that she's creating a draft." You laughed. "Speaking of, you two stay warm!"

"I will."

Lilith's voice flowed into your ear immediately. "Yeah, don't catch a cold! And don't forget to call me!!" 

"I will do my best not to, and I will."

Hanging the phone back on the receiver, you exhaled.

"Man, that was nerve racking for sure."

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As night crept around the corner, you set out your "market trip" outfit for the next day. A big coat, thick pants and slip proof shoes; insisted by Jason. 

"I hope it will be a good day tomorow!~" You sang out to yourself, getting ready for bed. Jason was out making his rounds, so you usually went to bed first. But not before giving you a kiss goodnight of course. Settling in for the night, you awaited the next day with eagerness.

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Hey riceballs! It's been like 2 years- yikes! I got laid off so while I look for a new job I have a lot of free time now lol Hope you enjoy this, there will be more to come! 

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