Chapter seventeen: Well, He's Not Sad Anymore.

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The sun beamed through the curtains and you rubbed your eyes. Today was the last day with the kiddies, so you wanted to send them off on a good note. Hopefully today will be smooth... You haven't even left your bed and you were already filled with anxiety.


You tried to get up but a force was not having it. 

"Eh? Who?!"

A large muscular arm held you in place, draped over your stomach.

"O-oh yeah. I really need to stop forgetting about bedding with him..."

Jason was snoring next to you peacefully. But you needed to get the children up, as well as your sleeping friend. You hoped she made it to bed and didn't pass out on the sofa.

"Hey, Jasonn. Wake up sleepy head." Shaking his arm, you tried to wiggle free.

He stirred in his sleep, which resulted in him holding you tighter.

"Oof. Can't.. breath..." Tapping his arm, you desperately tried to wake him.

Eyes flickering open, he quickly let you go.

Inhaling from the clutches of the clingy man, you sat up and laughed.

"Jeez. That comfortable?" You teased.

He grinned behind his mask and nodded once. This made you blush and he chuckled- something he'd been doing more recently.

Yawning and stretching, you maneuvered you pillow behind your back for support. Jason stayed laying down. Giggling, you booped his "nose." 

"Come on, I'll go make breakfast."

Soon you finally got up, and gave Jason's now dried jacket back to him. He put on his boots and left you to change. You knew what he was doing; his morning rounds, so you left him to it. 

Today's outfit was simple since you were on your last bit of clean clothes. Laundry was next on the agenda.
Black skinny jeans, a red plaid long shirt that reached your thighs and a white sweater over it was the perfect ensemble for a day after the rain. It was definitely muddy out, so you wore the rain boots you brought for emergency rain. Being an over packer finally came in handy! You were going to boast to Lil for sure.

Leaving your cabin, you made your own morning rounds. It felt routine now, to wake the children and Ariel. You were going to miss the little rascals. Today had to go great.


You ended up making an entire feast. Waffles were piled up next to scrambled eggs and bacon. There were two pitchers, one of orange juice and one of apple juice, freshly made. You poured coffee into mugs for the adults, though one was out and on the prowl. Making a plate for Jason first, you arranged the food in a neat display. Finding a tray in the storage closet, you placed everything in it. Mug filled with steamy coffee, it was the last thing you put inside the wooden caddy.

Slipping another note card under the mug that read: "Hope you enjoy ^ ^ ♡" , you grinned. You slowly had come to terms with it now. You were flirting. You prayed he didn't mind.

Carefully carrying his meal back to your room, you shortly froze at who you bumped into.

"Morning Miss L/n!" Rose and James were hand and hand, walking quicker as they spotted you.

"The twins!"  
You started to panic. There's no way you could avoid this.

"Um, good morning you two." Forcing a smile, you tried to pretend you weren't literally holding an array of food in front of you.

"Why are you carrying food?" The girl questioned, letting her curiosity take over. She squinted to get a better look. 

"Probably for Miss Ariel." James answered coolly.

"Nah, I saw her going to the bathrooms with a bag. Makeup or something I guess." 

The twins talked back and forth, forgetting you were there. You didn't want to be rude, but you had to get to your room. 

Clearing your throat and walking around them, you looked over your shoulder.

"Well, you two wash up and sit at the table okay? Don't forget to get Ange and Blake." They always slept in and needed to be shaken awake.

"Okay, but what about the food-" they questioned at the same time, but you cut them off.

"-I'll be back!"

Carefully speed walking as to not spill anything, you hurried to your cabin.

The door was slightly ajar and a bloodied machete rested against the door frame, just out of view. Jason had returned.

"At least he's aware of it..."  Your heart sped up in shock. You knew what he did, but seeing the blood always reminded you of the impact.

"Hey, you there?" Calling into the room, only the dim rays from the sun was the light source. You couldn't turn on the artificial lights with the tray in your hands, so you used your elbow.

"I brought your breakfast." You said cheerily, aiming to lighten the aura of death in the air.

Once the lights turned on, the killer's silhouette became clear. He was bloodied up real bad. You weren't sure which was his or the victims.

"Oh my goodness!"

You placed the spread of food onto the desk and hastily went to stand in front of him.

He sat on his usual edge of the bed slouched over and you saw utter defeat in his eyes. He was man spreading so you timidly stood between his legs. As you stood close, he immediately rested his head on your chest. Needed you close, he embraced you into a hug and let out a muffled sigh.

You cradled his head and rubbed his back.

"So much for a good morning, huh. Did something happen?"

He squeezed you in response.

"He doesn't want to communicate about it."  Thinking it'd be hard to understand what he was thinking or feeling, made you sad. You didn't want him to suffer alone.

You didn't know what to do, so you just held him close. You could only be there for him in comfort. You were so distraught but you patted his back in a rhythmic way and hummed. It's all you knew how to do.  

You felt him shake.

"Oh no, is he upset?"
Freaked out that you did something wrong, you released him.

Looking into his "face", your brows furrowed into sympathy. But you were baffled when you saw that is his eyed were glossed over.

He pulled you back, hiding his face in embarrassment and shame.

"Oh honey..." You whispered supportively.

After a few beat of silence and empathy, you spoke softly.

"Want to eat?"

He let you go and nodded, then he sniffed awkwardly. You couldn't help but smile.

"Who knew, the infamous Jason Voorhees was such a softie." You winked and dabbed his eyes through the mask with a tissue from your bag; that was still in the corner of the room.

He let out a breath of laughter, which was music to your ears.

Stepping back between his legs, he used them to hold you. You were trapped. 

"My my. Your food will get cold Mister." You acted confident but your face was on fire and your heart was about to jump of out your chest.

His eyes danced over your face, and your ears burned when he looked at your eyes then down to your lips. 

He took hold of your hand, eyes locked with yours and slowly drew you closer.

"Jason..." You spoke so quietly, you didn't even know if he heard.

Reaching to pull his mask up, you waited in anticipation. Was this it? What was going to happen?! 

"He's going to ki-"

"Y/n! Are you in here?!"

Ariel banged onto the door and made you and Jason jump. You stumbled backward after his legs and hand let you go in surprise. Fanning yourself, you shouted back to her.

"Y-yeah! I'm coming!"

Too embarrassed and shy to even look at him, you snatched your boots up and ran out the door barefoot; socks getting wet from the dampened grass.

You grabbed the startled Ariel's hand along the way and pulled her down your porch stairs and the trail to the kitchen.

"Oi!- Y/n!" She tried to get your attention as you dashed with muddy boots in one hand, and her's in the other.

"What's going on?!" Ariel yelled to you, but you didn't even register it. All you heard was your pounding heart and screaming thoughts.

"Oh .my. gosh!!"

✯¸.•'*¨'*•✿ 👀 ✿•*'¨*'•.¸✯

(。・//ε//・。) hehe~ well that's one way to cheer someone up. ;)

Sorry, it's my grandmother's death anniversary today so this took a while. Hope you enjoyed it, my little Riceballs!! ♡♡

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