Chapter twenty one: Goodbye My Fiery Friend.

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The flowers filled with love rested in a vase on the desk in front of Y/n. She was gazing at them, with hearts in her eyes. She hid her face in her hands grinning, and swung her feet back and forth giddily. She was replaying the confession over and over again in her head. Resting her chin on her palm, elbow propped on the desk, she simply stared at the bouquet and sighed happily.  

The afternoon sun rays bounced off the delicate pedals, making them glisten. You've never received flowers before. It was a tiny gesture but he was thinking of you, and that's all that mattered. 

Knocking on the window above the desk snapped you out of your "Jason trance." Looking up, you saw it was Ariel smiling and waving you to come.

"My husband is here!" She called with a squeal.

"Husband? Ah. Trent."  The twin's Father quickly came to mind.

You stood up and left to say your "goodbyes." Giving one last glance and smile to your vase, you closed the cabin door behind you. Ariel met you at the bottom of the porch, linking her arm in yours as usual, and dragged you away.

"Come oon, slow poke! Jason isn't going anywhere. I'm the one you should be thinking about!" She pouted, making you laugh.

"Yes, yes, don't worry, Jason is off doing his own thing." You mused, attempting to calm down your friend.

You stopped walking and turned to her.
"I'll always be there for you."

She giggled, and squeezed your arm in a hug.

"I know."

You made it to the parked red Porsche, which seemed shinier than you remembered, and greeted the man.

"Hello again." You said politely. Ariel was biting her lower lip and twirling her hair behind her back nervously, but she waved hello silently.

"Hey! How were they?" Trent asked, as the twins ran from between you and Ariel to hug their dad.

Rosie shouted and giggled when Trent picked her up and spun her around. He patted James head who want happy to see him. He readjusted his crooked cap afterwards.

"They were a blast, darling." Ariel answered before you. She closed the distance between them and chatted back and forth with him.

"I should let her do her thing." You thought, giving the twins one last hug goodbye.

"Be good, okay?" 
Kissing their cheeks, they nodded.

"You bet! Also," she lowered her voice and beckoned you to to let her speak in your ear. You complied, kneeling down. "Jason seems to really like you." She whispered, catching you off guard.

"J-jeez!" You stuttered, cheeks tinted pink.

"Work hard Miss L/n" James grinned.

"I-I will..." Giving in to the filter-less children's drabble, you chuckled. 

"Kids know too much.."  
You thought, shaking your head in disbelief. 

Rose kissed your cheek with her bear and with one final goodbye, they both climbed into the car with their bags. You made sure they had said bye to Blake and Angela, which they said they did back in their room.

Ariel and Trent were both gazing into each other's eyes so you had to cough to get their attention.

"Ahem, are you going with them Ariel?"

They jumped and Trent went red; Ariel smirking.

"You know it babes." She said with her signature wink.

"Trent thinks I should go back with the guys, buut," She held your eyes. "I think we both know that's impossible."

"Ah. Yikes, um Trent they left early." You lied, feeling bad but also wanting Ariel to be happy.

"Really? Who would leave two lovely ladies alone in the woods?" He shook his head, a stand of blond hair falling loose from his over-geld head.

"Losers, that's who." Ariel scoffed, fist clenched at her side.

To ease the tension,  you asked for her, "Yes, well they're not here, so would you mind taking Ariel home?"

She softened her malicious glare and Trent beamed.
"It would be my honor to escort M'lady home." He said in a terrible attempt at a British accent, holding an outstretched hand to her.

She took it dramatically and replied "Why thank you Dear Sir, I would be delighted."

Rolling your eyes in amusement, you helped Ariel with her bags.

It took a bit since she had a few extra bags here and there.

With the car all packed and the twins buckled up, Trent entered the driver's seat after closing the trunk.

It was time...

Ariel shared a sad look with you before running at you full speed. Her white dress and red hair flowed behind her and she embraced you tightly.

"Oof!" You exclaimed at the sudden impact. 

She started to cry, and you felt the tears prick as well.

"I'm gonna miss you doll." She said, her voice trembling. She grabbed fistfuls of your shirt in her hands and buried her face in the hair around your neck.

You tried to keep it optimistic though your voice was cracking now as well. 

"Hey now, don't cry." You sniffed, acting tough. "I'll visit and write to you! Heck, I'll even get Jason to let me get a phone working so we can call." Rubbing her back you felt her shake slightly.

"Haha you better. I'll invite you to my wedding if you invite me to yours." She released you and you both laughed.

"You look horrible." She laughed through tears, dabbing your teary eyes with her sweater cover up sleeve.

"And you look," You wiped her tears and the running mascara. "gorgeous."

She let out a single laugh and smiled, giving you one last hug.

"I do, don't I?"

With Ariel in the passenger seat with her new family, it felt as if she was meant to be there. As if all her hardships and failed romances were all leading to the best little family she could ever ask for, and a new best friend she'd never forget and would always stick up for. 

You waved to them as they took off, letting another tear slide down your cheek.

"Now Leaving Crystal Lake"

As they passed the sign on their way out, Ariel had rolled down the window, and asked Trent to drive slowly past a certain part of the forest. He was confused but did as his lady wished.

"Later Voorhees!" She screamed as they passed. 

"Take care of her okay? Remember our promise! I'll find outttt!!~~" 

And with that, she was gone. As a KiKi Mama answered, she didn't even need to hear it, to know her girl's man understood.

The masked man stepped out from his spot behind the trees and watched the car speed off, receiving the message from the loud red head, who stuck her arm out fully and waved out the window to him.

You got it.

✯¸.•'*¨'*•✿  👋 ✿•*'¨*'•.¸✯

Sorry this is shorter than I wanted this chapter to be, but there's a tornado watch so I have to be prepared for no wifi ;^; Hope you enjoyed regardless Riceballs!~ ('。• ω •。') ♡

I Don't Mind the Rain Anymore- Jason Voorhees x ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora