Chapter five: The Mourning After.

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You wake up with the bright morning sunlight peeking through the drapery warming up your face.

Grumbling, you pull the covers up over your head.
"Go away sunnn! I'm still sleepy~" 
Slowly waking up, you finally realize where you are. Quickly sitting up; sheets falling, you look for your alarm clock.

"Oh shoot! Crystal Lake! That's right, my clock is at home..."

Getting out of bed you shuffle over to the window, drawing the drapes all the way.
"Well it still looks early."

Stretching your arms over your head you smiled, observing the beautiful view of the woods and small area of lake only your cabin window could spot.
"A wonderful morning for a walk it seems."

You started to change from your sleepwear into blue jeans and a black shirt with sleeves that reached the middle of your arms. It had a cat reading a book saying "Caturdays Rule!". A silly gift your Mother had given you, but you hold it dear regardless.

"Let's make it a good day!"
Hyping yourself up to not be discouraged by yesterday's uncomfortable events, you planned to clean up the camp for the children. They were coming the next day, and absolutely nothing had been done yet.

Pulling on your converse, you reached the door, not expecting a morning fright.

"What the-?"

Seeing that the door handle had been broken off, you wondered who could have done it. If it was a prank, you were going to be very upset.

"Well that's terrifying. I hope nobody got in when I was asleep."

She had no idea.

Picking up the damaged handle, you tossed it inside your room. You closed the door best you could, finding a rock to keep it closed.

"Step aside Property Brothers, there's a new home fixer in town."
Grinning at your own joke, you hummed a tune walking to the kitchen area. The plan was to fix some coffee for yourself, and then for anyone else awake.

»»————- ★ ————-««

"What the fu-"
"Kya! Get off of me!"

A mixture of screams and angry confused comments were the only things coming from Ariel and Rodney's cabin this morning.

Grabbing a collection of sheets, Ariel covered herself up, slipped on her slippers and made a run for her own cabin.

Cursing her way down the trail, she heard whistles from the same police officer who took away the crazy old man. He arrived to speak with Axel, but only made it to the stairs, eyeing the naked a distressed female.

"Fun night last night little missy?"

Flipping him off, the fiery red head reached her door and slammed it behind her.

Shrugging it off, the officer eventually made it to Axel's office, knocking on the door to no avail. 
"Maybe he's getting breakfast..."

Searching for the kitchen, the officer walked through the trees, determined to argue with the head director. He always thought the camp shouldn't have kids running around, with all the wildlife and rumors going around. He wanted the old cook to stop bothering the town folk as well.
Preparing is speech in his head, he stopped when he spotting something red.

"What in Sam hill is that?"

Pushing past branches and stepping over shrubs, he found himself following a red substance that lead to the lake.

Adjusting his police cap he squatted, peering over the edge of the dock.
Straining his eyes, he tried to spot a body, or dead animal, or at least something to see why there were blood stains on the grass.

Unfortunately, his little Scooby Doo investigation ended quickly, because somebody had found him first.

Barbed wire was soon wrapped around his throat, digging into his neck. Only being able to silently scream as he was strangled, the officer went bugged eyed, not even seeing who was killing him. Yet while his life left his body he knew, he was back.

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