Chapter thirty five: And This Little Y/n Went to the Market~

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The next morning, Y/n was up and ready to go. Bundled up in a warm outfit, Jason was already waiting patiently for her in her car. 


Getting into the driver's side, you rubbed your hands together, happy that Jason had heated the car up for you. Thank god for heated seats.
"Let's hurry to beat the morning rush." The town was quite a ways from the camp, for nobody wanted to be near it anyway. But you still wanted to make sure your unsocial soulmate wasn't too overwhelmed by the general public. Besides, other than children, adults made you nervous as well. Especially the men...
Your favorite songs played gently in the background while you chatted with Jason along the way. It was another plesant morning.

Pulling up to the lot of the small marketplace, you parked as far as the lot was; near some trees to shield the vehicle best you could, but still within view of the front door. You didn't want Jason to bring his big and noticeable machete, so you suggested his hunting knife. You knew he wouldn't budge to go empty handed, but would gladly compromise to please his women and keep them safe.

"Okay," You turned to him, unbuckling your seat belt. "I'll be as fast as I can." He nodded, glancing around the premises, scouting out any possible dangers. Planting a kiss on the side of his head for reassurance, you made your way to the store.

"Stick to the list Y/n.. you don't want to keep him waiting for too long.."

- eggs
-dish soap
-cocoa + hot chocolate packets + marshmellows
-peppermint sticks

Hunting for the different items, you dropped them in your shopping basket. You weren't being very aware of your surroundings since you were trying to get out of there as quickly as you could. You made it to the seasonal candy section of the store, taking a moment to look for candy canes.
Unbeknownst to you, someone was watching you from the same aisle.


You jumped.

"What- Y-yes?" You jerked away from the sudden low voice voice in your ear. It gave you goose bumps, in the spine chilling type of way. Nothing like the way Jason made you feel. Which is ironic. An uncomfortable knot formed in your stomach. Who was this guy?

He backed up. "Woah, easy there. I'm sorry, I was just going to tell you that brand totally blows." He gestured to the flour in your basket.

"Oh? What's wrong with it?" You asked the stranger, relaxing only slightly.

"Right, I guess I should introduce myself." He laughed, scratching the back of his neck.

"Did I ask?" 

You waited. "Um, sure." 

"I'm Terry Gibbs, I'm the baker of this store." He held his hand out for you to shake. You reluctantly complied.

"Y/n." You gave the most curt response you could, trying to come off as uninterested as possible for the upcoming conversation.

But he wasn't phased and continued. He had a gold front tooth which shown with his grin.
"Pretty name for a pretty woman."

"Thanks. So," You held up the flour. "what's wrong with it?" 

"Ah right. Follow me." He turned on his heel and head to the bakery at the back of the store.

"Wait!" Calling out, you tried protesting that you weren't comfortable with that, but he didn't seem to hear you as he hummed along, his long strides carrying him far away fast.

"Ugh. Let's get this over with." Putting the flour back in the basket you rushed after him.


Back at the car, Jason was restless. It's been only 30 minutes but your playlist had disconnected from your smart phone midway through. He was used to the silence when he was alone. But now that he had someone to talk to him all day, he hated not being able to hear your sweet voice in his ears. He knew he was supposed to stay put, but what if you were in danger? The mere thought of it over powered the promise of staying in the car. Turning off the engine, he closed the door, locked it and shoved the key into one of his many pant pockets. 

"Go to the back, Jason. Keep Y/n safe."

With his Mother's encouragement in his head, he set his destination to the back of the store. He was just going to take a look, that's all...


Reaching the counter of the bakery, Terry went behind it and disappeared through the kitchen door. You waited for him at the register. There was no way on god's green earth you'd be alone with that man in a secluded room. It was only 9:30am and besides the few staff members, you were the only one in the store. He was taller, probably around 40 years old. Shorter than Jason of course, but above the usual height of average males. He had black unruly hair and wore a dirty apron over his work uniform. There was nothing noticable about him. At least for you. Your head and heart was already filled with Jason Voorhees. 

"The back door is nearby... I guess that's where the dumpsters are."  You caught yourself, breathing a laugh. Jason's teaching really stuck. He wanted to make sure you knew where any exits were at all times. And there it was. Making a mental note, you checked your phone. 


"It's been 15 minutes and Terry has been back there for 5 of them!"

"Forget this." Going to leave, he suddenly called out.

"Y/n! I found it!" The door swinging open violently, Terry ran out with a bag of flour in his hands.

"This brand of flour over throws all of them. I swear by it." He handed to you. "How much?" You asked, inspecting the package.

He smiled. "Just take it." 

You frowned at that. "Huh? Why? I don't even know you."

Laughing, he pretended to wipe a tear from his eye. "Think of it as a gift from a new friend."

"Um, thanks. I have to pay for the rest of this stuff, so.. see you later." "But hopefully never."  You thought to yourself.

"Take the whole thing!" You stopped. 


Hopping over the counter in one swift movement, he grabbed your basket from you, and starting bagging your items. 

"What are you doing? I can't just steal-"

"It's not stealing." He interrupted. "I'll pay for it later." He shrugged like it was the most casual thing in the world. "But why-" He handed you the bags. 

"Like I said." Pointing at himself he grinned. "New friend."

"What have I gotten myself into.."

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