Chapter ten: Cuties!

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Feeling refreshed and much better, you decide to invite Ariel on a morning walk after breakfast. You secretly left a plate with an omelet on it for Jason. You couldn't catch him, but once again, it was gone and a note was left behind. 

"D il lis ous!

                     JaS On"

"Aww his spelling is too cute. I really should give him a pen though..."  You thought, dabbing the dipping blood from the note.

Placing it on your desk next to the other one, you changed into your outfit for the day. The children should be arriving today; as long as their parents didn't care about any of the bad rumors. Today's look was casual yet comfy. The same over-sized sweater style, but this time it was navy blue and longer like a dress. Black leggings underneath and a gold necklace for a nice touch. You wore your Toms today as well, since you'd be walking around a lot. It was getting cloudy and a bit nippy, so the sweater should do you good.

"All set." Fixing your bangs and giving yourself one last check in the mirror, you nodded and pumped your fist in the air.

"Let's go have fun!"

You couldn't wipe the smile off your face as you made your way to meet with Ariel. She still didn't know about Jason or where everybody was; since she passed out the previous night. You decided to hold off until the kiddies got there, hopefully it wouldn't make her too upset, though you couldn't say for sure how she'd react. I mean, you are vouching for a murderer so... yikes.

With a skip in your step, you felt like you were walking on cloud nine.

"Hey, you!~" 

Ariel laughed when she saw your little moment of bliss. She met up with you at the lake. She hooked her arm in yours and you both walked along side the water.

"You seem very ready for today." She chuckled, hip bumping you.

"You bet! They're so cute and funny. I can't wait to meet everyone." You explained.

"I hope we don't get any bad brats- ahem, I mean kids." She corrected.

"Ah! Progress, very nice." Acknowledging her effort, you teased her, kicking a rock while you walked.

 "Why thank you." Running her hand through her fringe she dramatically flipped her hair. Today, her outfit was also Toms, but they were pastel pink. She had a matching blouse, buttoned up. Her white skirt reached her knees and flowed in the cool breeze.

"You look beautiful Ariel." You couldn't help but stare. 

"Pft! Thanks." A tint of pink colored her cheeks.

"Didn't want to dress like a hooker in front of little children. Plus-" She unlinked her arm temporarily, and twirled the fabric of the skirt. "I like this new me."

"I liked you both ways, but I'm glad you love yourself more."

You both talked about events, and going over the preparations. They were staying for three days; Friday to Sunday. You had five cabins ready. Three per cabin max, but you were still unsure if anybody was actually coming... Still upset at Jason for killing the one person who held the information, you sighed. Nothing you could do but to wait.

Mid conversation you felt eyes watching you from the trees. Speak of the devil... 

Trying to be discreet, you used your hair to peek to hide the eyes peeking to the side. Unfortunately, your friend was very observant.

"What are you looking for?" Stopping and glancing at you, Ariel questioned your strange behavior.


Leaves crunched about 20 yards behind of where you both were standing. Freaking out, you picked up a rock and chucked it into the water in front of you.

"Look! A fish!"

She raised an eyebrow and let out air through her nose.

"Okay weirdo, I think you didn't sleep much. Too hyped for today." She patted your head and continued walking.

Sighing, you looked back and low and behold, the masked man was staring at you. You gave a small wave and and trotted back to Ariel's side.

Jason grinned behind his mask at the sight of his girl. He wanted to be closer. But with that red head near by, he didn't have a choice but to watch her from afar. If he could somehow get rid of her...



After your walk, you made iced tea for Ariel and yourself and sat at the main porch table like usual.

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