Chapter nineteen: Last Day.

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"Spill the tea girl! What happened!?"

"Uhh." You poured Blake's drink for him.

"Thanks Miss!" 

Giving him a smile, you ignored the daggers Ariel was shooting in your direction across the table.

While you got the kids to eat, you finally beckoned the impatient red head to the storage closet. She willingly followed.

As you both entered the enclosed space, she shook you by the shoulders.

"Well?? You can't make me run across the Sahara Desert that is the trail from the cabins to the kitchen for no reason!" She whined, bursting with curiosity.

"Okay okay! Well you know how we got caught in the storm last night and I said we'd sleep together jokingly-"

"Oh shit-" Covering her mouth, her eyes widened.

"Nonono!" You frantically waved your arms in denial."Not sleep sleep together, we actually just slept."

"Well good. You're not ready for all that." She sighed. "Alright, so why were you so flustered? Did you forget he was there or something?"

"N-no." You lied. You definitely did. For the second time... But there's no way you'd tell her that.

"I mean this was after I made him breakfast. He had..." You shuddered at the memory. "...killed some people, but when he came back, I found him all down in the dumps. I don't know what happened though." You said with sadness in your voice.

"Hmm." Ariel nodded in thought, peeling a label off a can that sat on a near shelf absentmindedly.

"That doesn't explain the blushing though." Poking your cheek gently she smirked. 

"I think he was gonna... kiss me or something.." You quietly trailed off, not meeting her eyes.

"O.M.G!" Squealing, her face lit up.

"Damnn Jason! Not gonna lie, dude is smooth as fu-" Covering her mouth you shushed her. 

"My goodness Ariel, the kids!" You couldn't help giggling though.

"Okay okay, I'm sorry." She continued to laugh, pulling your hand down.

"Wait." Pausing, a light bulb went off and she apologized.

"Oh my god, that means I interrupted!"

"It's okay-"

"No it's not! You think he's mad at me?" She peered at you, wearing a worried expression.

"Probably not?" You tried laughing it off, but knowing his temper he might be.

"Yikes, well tell him that I'm real sorry next time you start to canoodle." She winked and your face burned with embarrassment.

"Will do..."

A small knock made you both look at the door. You opened it to a teary eyed Angela who had chunks of bacon in her hair.


You and Ariel exchanged glances.
"Uh oh. Here we go again."  Your eyes said to each other.


"Marshmallows, graham crackers, chocolate." You nodded to yourself.

"-And matches and gasOLINEEE!"

"Blake no-"

Ariel chased the chaotic child around while you set up the campfire snacks.

James helped you out, and you were surprised that he didn't even bring his book. Rose and Angela talked about their favorite stickers or something, you had only overheard bits of their little chat.

The day went by fairly quickly and you were secretly sad it was coming to an end. But you put on a brave face for the sake of the kiddies, so you wouldn't bring them down with you.

Ariel had taught the girls how to make friendship bracelets and the boys had made necklaces. So that they could remember each other when they parted.

You knew that camp trips need a proper fireplace experience. What's better than a classic fire pit and marshmallow roasting? You loved s'mores even more than the next girl. 

This time, there'd be no drunkenness. Cringing at the last time you were here, you brushed it off.

You had also made more barely tea, so the kids didn't have a sugar rush. Wet wipes as well. 
"Such a mom." Ariel had teased. You didn't mind. Moms were awesome.

After playing around, soon the sun had finally started to set.

"Golden hour!" Ariel said while she leaned against  you. You sat on the large log in front of the fire. You warned the kids not to stand too close. Chairs were set up for them to sit, and they all had their marshmallow sticks. You helped them when necessary but they learned fast. The occasional reprimand to Blake, who laughed mechanically when the marshed mallow set on fire. It scared the girls but James just laughed.

Ariel nudged him with her foot and you devoured your own s'more with contempt.

"You look like you're really enjoying that." She snickered at your puffed out cheeks filled with gooey goodness.

"Heck yes," You muffled. Swallowing, you laughed. "I've been waiting days."

"Oh my lawd girl." Popping an uncooked marshmallow in her mouth she leaned back against you.

"I'm gonna miss this place." She sighed into your shoulder.

You stiffened. 


"Oh snap! You don't know if you're-" Sitting up and turning to you she started to freak out, but then soon relaxed back to her original position, clamping her mouth shut.

"Ah... Never mind." Rubbing your tense back she whispered. 
"We'll talk about it later, okay?"

"Mm." Grateful she didn't bring up your whole leaving situation decision, you just chatted with the children in the mean time.

Everyone went over their favorite memories and parts of the trip. You had nudged Ariel when she casually said, "I know Y/n's favorite part-" You knew what she meant. You saved yourself by saying a corny line, "It was meeting you all of course." The girls 'awwed' and hugged you and Ariel while the boys groaned, but they had smiles on their tinted pink faces. 

Laughing and talking with everyone while the fire danced and popped, filled your heart with joy. You were honestly glad it was just you and Ariel. As morbid as it sounds, and you knew if you hadn't fallen for a killer you'd never think this. You were glad the others had met their fate.

Shortly after, you and Ariel went together to tuck the kids in for their last night in their cots. You read them a story and consulted them when they started to cry about missing you guys. Both holding back your own tears you stayed strong and said you'd give their parents your numbers.

I Don't Mind the Rain Anymore- Jason Voorhees x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now