Chapter eleven: Lesson One.

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"There you are! Okay, since you were off doing something-" she lowered her voice "-which I'll find out what, btdubs- I got my future man to sign the paperwork and give me his number!" Ariel squealed, jumping up and down. You almost got a heart attack at her little comment, but it soon dissolved into a proud feeling. You were glad she was perky again.

"Um that's great! Hey, can you keep watch for new recruits? Also the twins are in the lounge. I have to go get the lunch ready."

She waved you off and brought a chair to sit and watch for more campers to arrive while you dashed to the kitchen in a hurry.

Whipping up some freshly squeezed apple juice and pouring it in a pitcher, you set out little glasses in a circle. Going back to the storage closet once again for more items, you giggled your usual soft laugh as you recalled your first secret interaction with Jason. It was terrifying at first but it is now a treasured memory. You wanted to ask why he was in there... Maybe next time. It was strange and you thought it was an animal or something. Who knew!

Finishing a platter of mini sandwiches you stood back and admired your lunch set-up. 

"Hopefully they'll enjoy it..." Praying they weren't picky eaters, you completed your food task. You were about to head out, but a light bulb went off in your head.

"Ah! Right!"

Quickly grabbing a spare glass and plate, you nabbed a few sandwiches and filled the cup with juice. Taking a bit, you struggled to open the rusty window above the sink. Prying it open in the end, you placed them in the window sill. Managing to go snatch pen and paper from your bag in your cabin, you came back and wrote:

 "Enjoy! :) 
                       ~ Y/n"

On the scrap piece. You set the glass on top of the secret message.

Pausing, you contemplated. "Hmm.. If I may be so bold..." Biting your lip, you took the pen back out from your back pocket, hesitantly.

You scribbled a "♡" after the smiley face. Before your face overheated, you sprinted back to meet any new guests.


Soon after the exchanges, introductions and cabin assignments, the parents were all gone and you and Ariel were left alone (which only you knew) with all the children. Well, saying all is a bit much. With the twins, only two others arrived. Blake and Angela. Both coming from horrible parents who just wanted them out of the house. You pitied them and gladly agreed to watch them for the weekend. Ariel gave a disgusted look and said she hoped they were coming back for them... As did you...

Ending up only using one cabin, since they all were scared to be separated, you ask Ariel to help drag a cot from one cabin to the next. 

"Ugh, why can't we ask the guys to do this shit?"

Both hoisting each end of the temporary bed you gave a nervous chuckle. 

"Yeah, wherever could they be?"

"How long does smoking take anyway, God-" She grumbled annoyed at the "missing" men. Yikes, if only she knew. 

Making the three beds; Rose always wanting to sleep next to her brother, you tidied up. High-fiving Ariel, you then gathered the kids to serve lunch.


"Stop touching me!" 
"I'm not! I'm just hovering my finger!"

Blake and Angela hadn't stopped fighting since they sat down- or left the car for that matter. Could you blame them? Their mother had dropped them off without a goodbye and you were pretty sure she was tipsy. Jeez, why is it that almost every person who came to Crystal Lake a total train wreck of a human? Your heart winced in empathy.

Silently sipping on juice and reading his book, James ignored the blond siblings. Their hair was almost white, that's how blond it was! Rosie was in Ariel's lap gushing about her Father. She ate it right up, grinning ear to ear.

Stepping between the bickering relatives, you used your soothing mother/teacher voice.

"Hey now, what seems to be the problem?"

Angela crossed her arms and fussed. 
"Blake is so annoying! Can you drop him in the lake?!"

This made you twitch with irritation. But being an adult, you tried to stay calm as you reprimanded them.

"If he were to suddenly disappear, would that make you feel better or worse?" You asked, having a seat next to them.

"I'd like it, obviously!" She yelled.

Unexpectedly, Blake splashed his remaining drink in her face and ran to the kitchen.

"Oh my..." You gasped at the scene, as she started to cry.

Ariel took responsibility to clean her up, while you went after Blake.

Reaching the kitchen, you called out for the young boy.

"Go away! He's not here." He shouted back, and you found him hiding under the counter, feet poked out. He reminded you of Ariel in his huddled up position. 

"My my, history repeats itself."
  You think, shaking your head with a small smile.

Stopping next to him you spoke, pretending to talk to yourself.
"Well, since Blake isn't here, I guess I'll just go somewhere else~"

Taking one loud step forward with one foot, he grabbed your still pant leg.

"Wait! ...He's here..." He sniffled, barely audible.

"I see." You squatted in front of him.

"What happened out there, big man?" You whispered, wiping his tear stained cheek with your thumb.

"Angela hates me." He breathed with a shaky voice.

"Why do you think that?" You reached up over the counter to grab a paper towel, dabbing his nose and eyes.

"I annoy her because I like her. She's my only sister. I just hate our mom."

You laughed. Boys are too much.

"Well, I'm sure she doesn't hate you. When people are mad, or stressed out, they say stuff they don't really mean. You were bothering her right?"

He nodded.

"Then, there you go. I'm sure she'll apologize. There's no way she wants you gone. You only have each other, so cherish your moments together."

Ruffling his hair, you stood up, offering assistance.

He carefully took your outstretched hand, and you pulled him out his hiding hole.

"Come, on, I'll pour you more juice."

"Okay." He beamed and held your held throughout the way back.

Approaching the table, Ariel had accomplished getting Angela changed and dried. She had also confronted her on the  harsh words she had spoken, and you saw her nodding in guilt. 

Running over to Blake when you both reached the group, she burst out crying again saying sorry and how she doesn't want him to leave. He was grinning the entire time.

"If I left, you'd still somehow find me Ange." 

Resolving their fight and talking with the twins about kid stuff like dinosaurs and dolls, you walked over to Ariel who look exhausted. 

 "How you holding up here?"

She sighed loudly and leaned against you while you laughed.

"Are kids always this hard to deal with?"

You patted the back of her head and nodded.

"This was also mild case as well. I've had kids hold grudges for weeks."

"Damn. They're as bad as I am!" 

Shushing her on her language you snorted.

"For real though."

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