Chapter three: The Urban Legend.

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Branches hit the window as y/n rubbed her arms over her sweater. She looked out into the evening sky; sun setting over the horizon, orange and yellow reflecting off the still lake. A gorgeous sight. 

"Jeez, at night it sure gets chilly... I hope Lil doesn't get sick." 

Even away from your dear friend, you still worried about your happy-go-lucky roommate.
You were always over-prepared, and she was never prepared at all. Perhaps it's the elementary instructor in you. You always doted on others, since you were used to little kids acting reckless to their health and safety.

"I should give her a ring."
You gave a big over the head stretch, recovering from your little dance break, and deciding it was time to call up Lilith. Putting your shoes back on, you left the now spotless cabin and headed towards the main ones. There's gotta be a phone somewhere right? You really hoped you wouldn't have to ask the others to borrow theirs.

Finding Axel's name plate on the side of an office, you knocked gently on the dark wood door. Pulling on the hem of your sweater, you rocked on your feet, while waiting for a response.

"Umm... Axel? It's y/n, can I come in?"

No response.
You knocked twice more, causing it to creak open.

Your heartbeat in anticipation, calling out into the dark office. Cautiously walking in, you felt the walls for a light switch.

Finally finding it on the far let, the lights flickered and your dilated pupils shrunk, adjusting to the sudden brightness. 

Gasping, you saw Axel laying head down on the desk.

"Oh my goodness! I'm sorry!" you exclaimed in a low whisper. 
Seeing a multi colored quilt tossed on a near couch, you grabbed it, and quietly walked to the still Axel's side. You weren't really sure what happened, being the oblivious and slow bean you were.
"He must've been tired." you thought to yourself. 
Delicately placing the blanket on his shoulders, you then turned the light back off and wondered the hall, looking for another room to check.

What you didn't see, was the empty cans of beer all on the floor, or that his pants were unbuckled and barely on correctly. You didn't know Axel was drinking away or had company before hand the entire time you were cleaning.

You bumped into a chest as you turned the corner.
"Watch it- oh. Hey y/n... Wanna sit by the campfire? We just got it started. The sun is just about down now."
Rubbing your nose, you looked up and saw Fred. Why was he acting like nothing happened? It kind of agitated you.

"Um, no thanks. I need to call my friend. I told her I'd check in when I got here. Just looking for a phone booth or something." 
"Well, not a complete lie, but I want to hear someone I care about." you silently concluded.

He pulled out a phone and held it out to you.
"Here use mine."
Reaching out, you almost grabbed it, but then Fred held it up out of your reach.
"Ah ah ah! You can use my phone if you come sit with us."

Glaring at the cocky blond, you gave up. Being short had is disadvantages.
"Fine. Hurry up please, I have to be up early to clean for the kids arrival you know."

"Don't be a sour puss y/n."
He took hold of your wrist and you reluctantly let him pull you to the giant campfire roaring  outside. Sitting on a log near Ariel and Rodney, you gave a small wave.
"H-hi again."

"Whatever." Ariel scoffed, smacking at a mosquito on her chest, perched on the pot fanatic's lap.
"Glad you two made it." Rodney smirked, staring at your breasts, seeming to be telling them that, not you.

"Despicable. Do it for the phone y/n, don't cry, don't cry."  you felt tears pricking at your eyes. Why can't he just stop harassing you?!

"Fuck you looking at... Roddie?" Fred said, using the nickname he hated.
Flipping him off, Rodney took a large swing of the beer he was drinking.
"Ugh do you ALWAYS have to drink around me?" Ariel pouted and felt up the shaggy male's chest, and petting his chin hairs.
"Honessstly red, I have to be druunk to be around yuh." he responded, words starting to slur together.

She chugged her own beer desperately, to ignore the toxic man's comments.

Fred laughed at what he thought was a total bro moment,  and poked at the fire with a nearby stick.
"Where's Axel?" he asked, looking back at the cabins.
 "Y/n probably smashed him. I saw her leave his office. I know for a fact he wasn't sober. Sorry not sorry doll, I hit that first." 
Sticking out her tongue sexually at y/n, Ariel adjusted her too short shorts and wiped her mouth, indicating something inappropriate. 
"You got his dick wet already Red? Shit, you are such a slut."
Shocked at Fred's language, you knew he wasn't the sweet guy you made him out to be. He dropped all the charming filters he pretended to have. What a shame.

"I tried convincing him to let us leave early okay. Who wants to look over an old rundown place like this? It's hot, my hair is frizzing, and I hate kids."
It took a few seconds but once you finally understood, your eyes widened and you felt your face turn red. From second hand embarrassment, and anger from her comment on the children. You thought you could convince them  to help out, but it looks like camp business is all for you to do.
You looked at the tipsy woman sad, that such a pretty girl lived a shoddy life not thinking of consequences.

"Well, I think I'm going to go back to my cabin. Long day tomorrow-" you stuttered, highly uneasy. Forget the phone, you'd rather even write Lil a letter if it meant not hearing about the reason Axel wasn't responsive. You were next to him! How embarrassing...

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