Chapter fifteen: You're Not Jaso-

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Wandering through the sun-glazed forest, Y/n decided to take a walk to cool down and put her thoughts in order. She knew Jason would soon appear "out of thin air", so her mental preparations were in overdrive mode.

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"It's because of Ariel! I'm way too conscious of him now. I mean I was before, but this is ridiculous. If my face goes anymore red when I see him, I'll be mistaken as some kinda pervert."

Breathing in and out in a Zen kind of way, you calmed yourself down. Act like he doesn't fluster you. It'll be fine... Probably.

You arrived at the lake, taking in the breath taking view of the trees and sunset reflecting on the water. Ripples from fish kissing the top of the reservoir made you smile. It was so relaxing. You felt the soothing wind in your hair wash over any feelings of awkwardness you had felt.

Branches snapping and leaves rustling  behind you indicated that you weren't alone anymore. That was fast.

"So you're here, huh. How was your day?-" You asked, turning to face who you thought was Jason.

But a mysterious person grabbed you from behind, holding a cloth over your face; cutting off your words.

You thrashed and kicked the stranger, but it was no use. He was too overpowering for someone of your size and strength. 

"Jason!"  You attempted to scream but your consciousness was fading rapidly, whilst inhaling the chemicals on the rag.

"Hold her still!" You heard another man's voice yell out.


Blacking out, you went limp against the kidnapper.


"Are you sure this is going to work?"

"Shut up, of course it will. It has to."

"Aren't there a few kids here too?"

"Fuck them kids, we're here for the bitch, not them brats."

Two young adults, sweating with anxiety over a devious revenge plan against Jason had snaked their way into his territory. 

They had a grudge against the killer for murdering their friends who had stopped for a "fun time" in the woods. Since they had never came back, the two went to found out why. Hearing rumors and talking to a psychotic old man while they investigated, they had found out who had done the deed. There was "curse" on the camp, and they had planned to get rid of it.

Trudging through the forest, they wore bags filled with weapons. They were going to kill Jason. But amongst spying on him, they had took notice of a woman. She wasn't afraid of him at all. She was "like his bitch or something" the leader had said to the second in command. John was the leader, but his partner in crime Mike, didn't care too much for the titles. They were working together, it wasn't a "damn group project" he had argued back.

Disregarding the few kids and red headed chick, they had waited until sundown to get her alone. Their plan was to blackmail Jason with the woman, to get him to give up so they could kill him. Mike thought it was a "vague and stupid ass plan" but John didn't care. He was going off adrenaline and wanting revenge, so any words Mike had said, didn't even reach him.

"We have to follow her and get her alone before he meets up with her." John said, pouring chloroform on a cloth.

Tossing the rag towards Mike, he rummaged through his bag.

"Why do I have to do it?" He whined, holding it away from him like a dirty diaper.

"Because, you twat, I have to be on the look out for that asshole!" He threw ropes at Mike's feet.
"Here, once you knock her out, tie her up and take her to our truck."

"Finee." He groaned, bending over to pick them up.

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