Chapter seven: Just Dough It! - Breadful Feelings.

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"Axel? Where are you?"

You searched the entire Camp for the director, shouting for the missing gentleman. You were going to ask if he wanted a sandwich for lunch, and how many children were coming. You honestly wanted to talk about camp stuff but for now you just wanted to actually locate him.

"There's no way he could have gotten lost, he boasted about this place and how he "knew it like the back of his hand"."  You told Ariel, who was putting games on the table in the lounge, and cleaning up the boy's old mess.

"Hmm. I swear I left him there in his office. Did you check there?" She asked, shoving cards into the box.

You assisted by folding the blankets and smoothing out the decorative pillows.

"Yes, I'm afraid he wasn't there either. His car is here still as well." Wrinkling your brows in confusion, you racked your brain on where he could be.

"Well, maybe Jason got him~~" She teased, quivering her voice dramatically. 

"Ugh don't even get me started on that sad story." You fretted, sitting on the now clean couch.

Ariel plopped next to you; taking her hat off and tossing it next to her. Fixing her hair, she grinned.
"Aww why, you really love the brats, huh?"

Poking her cheek, you scoffed. 
"Kids are wonderful. But they can be very cruel if not raised properly."

Resting your head on the back of the seat you closed your eyes and beamed.
"That's why I want to teach them all to love no matter what. It doesn't matter what you look like or who you are. Everyone deserve the chance to be loved."

Ariel giggled at her philosophical pal.

"What a sweet dork you are y/n. I'm glad we're friends now." She said quietly.

Gasping, you gave her big hug.

"You know iiit!"

"Pftt! Get off of me y/n!" She pretended to be angry but gently returned the squeeze.

You released her and stretched.

"We did a lot today. Want a celebratory sandwich?"

"I'm so down for a BLT."

Flashing a quick smile, you agreed.

"On it!"

You scurried back to the kitchen, but bumped into a rock hard chest on the way there.

"Oof! Not again..."
Rubbing your nose in the same way as before, you looked up expecting to see a blond headed guy.

"S-sorry Fred-"

You froze.


Your breath hitched in your throat as you gawked at a set of beautiful blue eyes. Not even aware of the mask at first, your face flushed averting your gaze.

"Um, sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going."

The stranger just stared motionless.

"A-are you okay?" You shuddered, hoping you didn't hurt or offend him.

After a few beats passed, he slowly nodded.

"Oh, that's good."
You felt uncomfortable but then again, strangely at peace with this huge masked unknown person.

Maybe he's ashamed of his face?  You weren't sure why he was wearing a hockey mask. There were no skating rinks for miles. Also can't he talk? Maybe he's a mute.

Questions upon questions entered your thoughts.

"Ah! Sandwich!" You remembered, pointing at him.

Startled, the man tilted his head.

"U-um... I'm making them for my friend and I. Come on, I'll make you one."

Grabbing his large hand, you didn't notice the bloodstains as you tugged him along to the kitchen.


Dejected, Jason stomped back to the camp. He had lost track of Fred and wasn't in the best mood. He needed to see y/n. She always made him feel relaxed, no matter how grouchy he got.
His Mother had stopped talking to him as well and that made him feel extremely lonely.

Stopping behind a  tree, he noticed that Y/n was going around shouting for Axel. He's deader than dead.
Each time she passed him Jason felt his heart swell.
But soon she stopped coming, so he went closer to the lounge. 

Eavesdropping he overheard her speech on the children. 
She really loves them... maybe she could learn to love... me?

Brushing it off, the killer shook his head. Nobody but his mom loved him. Why would y/n?

Negative thoughts taking over, Jason didn't pay attention where he was walking.

He bumped into-


"Oof! Not again..."

Not being able to say anything, not that he could, he was astonished by the close proximity they were in.

Rubbing her nose y/n looked up at him.

"S-sorry Fred-"

She froze just as still as he was.


Her face turned red and she looked away.


"Um, sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going."

Still staring, Jason was internally screaming.

"A-are you okay?" She stuttered out a question.

Do something idiot!

He gave a slow nod in response.

"Ah! Sandwich!"

He jumped, not expecting more interaction. She wasn't scared of him?

He tilted his head in disbelief. 

"U-um... I'm making them for my friend and I. Come on, I'll make you one."


Before he could protest, Y/n grabbed his hand and pulled him to the kitchen along side her.

What is happening??!


You sat him down at the counter, and pulled out the bread, bacon, lettuce, and tomatoes from the pantry and fridge. You were glad Axel stocked the kitchen before your arrival; wherever he went, you wanted to thank him later.

His eyes followed your every movement. It was kind of creepy, but maybe he's just like that. You didn't comment on anything, in case it set him off. He was huge compared to you, so any battle would end in your defeat.

Once you finished making the bread combination, you placed it on a plate and slid it to him.

"I hope you like it." You spoke gently.

He looked at the plate then at you.

"Oh, his mask..."  
You thought.

"Here, I'll go give my friend Ariel her food and I'll be back. I won't watch you eat, okay?"

He nodded again, seeming to like your idea.

Picking up her plate you were about to leave when he grabbed your wrist.


He locked eyes with you; pleading like a puppy.

Giving him a reassuring smile, you said "I'll be back, I promise." before he released you.


"Thanks chica~."  Handing Ariel the plate, she threw an air kiss your way.

"No problem, take it easy okay? I have um-" 

"Should I even tell her about that ginormous guy?"
Realizing she might think you're crazy, you decided not to.

"- to go.. clean.. up my mess... now... bye."

In a robotic way you walked out, in the most awkward unsmooth way.

"Dork."  Ariel shook her head grinning while rolling her eyes and went back to the planning; eating her lunch.

"Glad she was used to my weirdness to not suspect a thing..." You said to yourself, jogging back where you left the mysterious stranger.

"Hello? Mister?" You called out, entering the cooking room.

The guy had left, but his sandwich was gone. 

"He only left a few crumbs! He must've been hungry, poor guy."

Collecting the plates, you stopped when you spotted a piece of paper left behind.

"What is this?" Reaching over the counter, you retrieved the note.

Upon reading it, your heart dropped to your stomach.

"T h a nk  y o  u.

                       J a so n"

It was written sloppily in red.

"...Red? Wait- Jason!?!" You screeched, backing up and hitting your back on the oven door.
"Ouch..." Rubbing your stinging pain, you grimaced.

"Oh jeez... what have I gotten myself into..." Blowing your bangs up, you looked out the window above the sink and into the forest. Sighing at the realization of darkness to come, you had a shivering idea on what had happened to Axel.

Well, Ariel was right, that's for sure.

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