Chapter twenty four: Finished Business.

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It was as if the entire room froze in place. The foolish boys in the back that were making a mess and destroying the old lady's clean shoppe floor stopped laughing as their gaze wondered to the front door. The ringing of the bells jingled through the air but you could barely hear them over your pounding heart beat. Locking eyes with the culprit, you smiled weakly in concern. 

"You okay?"
  You mouthed to Jason who was clearly in distress, though only you knew he was.

You didn't want to be in the way of what you knew was going to happen, nor did you want the shop or store owner to suffer. So you did what you did best. Stalled.

"Um!" You were the first to speak up, after what felt like an eternity of silence.

The lady jumped a bit, and turned her attention back to you, though you felt her uneasiness. 

"I think, that's my cue to run along now." Laughing through the tension you bowed your head slightly to the woman.

"Is that your-?" She started and you smiled and nodded sheepishly, still happily embarrassed he was now yours. 

"Oh! Well enjoy the rest of your night dears." She giggled and you quickly walked towards Jason who was still breathing heavily from previous killings. Reaching for his hand, you held it in reassurance. He looked down at you and his eyes softened, both of you getting lost in your own little worlds- that is until it was broken by idiots.

"The fuck? Dude, check out the beauty and the beast." Noah swigged a beer he opened without paying for, and elbowed his mate.
"Shut the hell up dickwad. He's huge." 

You sighed, their fate now sealed and out of your hands.
"Oh for goodness sake."

"Okay and? What's he gonna do? Challenge me to a game of hockey?" Laughing at his own terrible joke, Noah followed him to the counter and dumped their items in front of the lady.

Oliver shook his head and pulled out his wallet and card.
"Credit please." He was more polite but you knew that wouldn't matter.

Noah groaned in annoyance at the lady's slow scanning pace. "Hurry up too will ya? We gotta get out of this shitty ass dump-" His sentence cutting off in shock, when he looked over to the death glare Jason was giving him.

He was about to eliminate the two guys right there but you stopped him, grabbing his arm. But this time you were just as furious. How dare these two guys come and be so disrespectful to an elderly who was also so sweet like this?!

You gritted your teeth and looked at Jason who was surprised by your hateful aura. 

"Outside, okay? ...She could never clean up the mess herself." You whispered harshly at first but then going soft, sighing at your own words. He really got you to tap into your dark side. Forgive me Lord, you prayed to yourself.

You let his arm go, and he rubbed your back, nodding.

"Ma'am?" You loudly called out to her as she tried quickly to scan the things-her hands shaking terribly.

All three of them looked at you.
"I advise you to go back for a bit." You gestured to the back room behind her.


"Trust me." You smiled and tilted your head to Jason, who thumbed up, making you snort in amusement.

"...Alright hun." Slowly getting up from her chair, she grabbed her cane and hobbled to her office, shutting the door slowly behind her. The blinds twirling shut shortly after.

"What's the big deal?!" Noah shouted.

Oliver picked his card out of the machine. "Yeah um, we didn't finish paying for this."

"You're telling me!" You said upset, crossing your arms.


With one swift motion, Jason had strode to Noah, grabbing him by the throat.

Gasping for air, he flailed, being raised in the air and desperately tried to peel off the killers tight grip.

"Fuck!" Oliver didn't attempt to help his friend and tried to escape past you. But though you couldn't fight, you weren't just going to stand idly by. You had locked the door and watched him push against it; bells jangling loudly. It was locked from the inside so he could easily unlock it, but you weren't going for that, you just wanted to hold him off enough until Jason got to him. 
"Bitch!" He screamed at you and you grinned and shrugged, your backside leaning against an ice cream cooler.

Noah's lifeless body thudded on the ground as Jason dropped him and went after Oliver, who was now heading to his vehicle. Noticing some of the girls bodies as he ran, he started to cry and curse, fumbling with the keys. But with the tires destroyed and car out of gas, he couldn't do anything but scream for a miracle.

"Come on, come on, come on!"
Engine turning and failing, he hit the steering wheel in frustration.

"Fuck- AA!" The front window shattered from the machete's sudden impact causing glass shards to fly in every direction. 

Jason dug his weapon into his chest, livid from the boy's harsh word to you. Spewing up blood, after he had ripped out the machete viciously; Oliver flopped onto the passenger seat, laying in a pool of his own blood.

Meanwhile, you had starting cleaning up the teens mess on the inside, and paid for the damages. The lady was shaken up but still thanked you. You promised to come back and visit and to check up on her.

Seeing as he was done, you ran across the lot to Jason and held both sides of his open jacket, resting your head on his chest.

"Honey, you're driving me crazy." You whispered, so glad he was okay. 

But as you let go and stepped back, he reached forward and held you close.  You were pressed more into his chest and gasped at his unexpected action. Looking up confused, you couldn't escape the strong arms around you, so you were forced to stare straight back into his deep blue eyes. He looked as if he was fighting an internal battle. Wanting more, but too afraid to make a move in case he upset you in anyway. His eyes wavered in hesitation. 

You brought your hands up to his face, placing them on both side of his mask, never breaking the loving eye contact. Your cheeks were burning so much and you were sure his were too, but you didn't want to chicken out on this. You had to be brave- for him and for yourself. 

"Can I?" You asked, so quietly and gingerly to not offend him, but to let him know you cared for him, face and all.
His breathing was heavy and speeding up, not in the way he was after a kill. This was full of love, though a hint of lust did shimmer in his eyes, he didn't want to feel like that with anyone but you.
Nodding once, he waited in anticipation from the buildup.
Tenderly raising his mask up just above his mouth, you both leaned in until you both connected at last. You smiled into his chapped skin, happy that he was finally comfortable enough with you.

The moment of confusion you felt before became your first kiss with the man you loved. Even if he was a killer, you never wanted to let him go. You would've fallen for him regardless. Awkward at first, the passion and love you both felt for each other slowly came pouring out through your lips, burning like a wildfire. You didn't care if his mouth was sightly slanted and one eye was messed up, or how he looked like. He could have or could lack whatever feature in the world, and you'd still adore the man that was in front of you.
Both parting slowly, you smiled and snaked your arms around him as well. He rested his chin on the top of of your head. 
"Love you."
Grunting faintly in response and hugging you tight, you knew he felt the same. You held each other for a while until your heart rates slowed, enjoying each other's warmth.

"Come on, we have to get back to the children. Plus you need a shower mister. I need to wash.." You released him and looked him up and down at his dirty bloodied clothes. "all that off." 
He chuckled silently, ruffling your hair as his heart soared in happiness. Tugging his mask back down, he followed you to the long awaited phone booth.

After all that had happened, you finally made the phone call. The people had said they would look into the whereabouts of Angela and Blake's parents and that tonight they should just get their rest. 

Collecting the tote bag, which Jason took from you once more, you laughed and held his hand, interlocking your fingers with his. On your way back, you talked to him about everything that had happened and said you were glad he was okay. That earned you a hand squeeze in response.
After a while, you finally got him to promise to clean up the rest of the bodies he left behind. There's no way you wanted the old lady to somehow be framed for it or sent to some mental place.

Another night of craziness and first experiences with your killer boyfriend, it was coming to an end, and all you wanted was to dive into this bag of candy and be with your love.

✯¸.•'*¨'*•✿ ヾ(・ω・*)  ✿•*'¨*'•.¸✯

Hi hi! Sorry this took so long. This month is full of birthdays, my brother moving out, repainting rooms and me just wanting to watch horror movies and vibe after the stress.. :3 sorryyyy

Who else just wants candy and cuddles with their fictional loves?
 (っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っkith plz 

Hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading, my lovely Riceballs~ ♡♡ 

I Don't Mind the Rain Anymore- Jason Voorhees x Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن