Chapter nine: Freddy KokoPuff.

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Jason finished his kill before he realized where he was. Y/n cabin...

Oh no.

Hoping he wouldn't scare the lady, he dragged Fred's maimed body out the door, tossing his weapon on the floor to scoop the head chunks up as well. It was a whole mess and he definitely made it worse.

Hurriedly making his way to the lake, he dumped all the flesh and pieces into the water, not even stopping to enjoy the sinking sight like usual.

Quickly heading back before Y/n saw her messy floor, he froze guiltily when he saw her standing on her porch. Her hands on her hips, pouting. Her small physique was surprisingly intimidating.

Tears spilling from her eyes immediately, Jason panicked, sprinting up to block her doorway; so she couldn't see.

"Jason, you killed him in my room?!"

Ashamed he hung his head.

Sighing she shook her head and wiped her eyes.

"... I'll clean it up."

Bewildered and catching her tearful eyes, she held her head with hand.

"I can't believe what I've gotten into." She quietly repeated, ducking past him. Still having the cleaning supplies from the first night, she got to work as Jason sat on the edge her bed, fiddling with his weapon.


You felt yourself getting dizzy. Cleaning up blood... You did not think this was going to be how you spent this camp trip. Fanning yourself off, you glanced at Jason. He was playing with the machete. All evil seeming to have left him. He actually looked.. bored? Geez. You had to make sure Ariel didn't know about this yet. She'd find a way to call the cops. Why did you want to protect him anyway? It's not like you were a thing. He's a murderer! 

"Get it together Y/n."  You screamed to yourself.

His usual head tilts made you smile. Finished cleaning, you sat down next to him. You felt a wave of exhaustion come over you. Instinctively you rest your head on his large arm. You couldn't reach his shoulder, but it still felt nice. Sighing contently, you closed your eyes, slipping into a drowsy state.

It was hazy at this point, but you vaguely remember the feeling of someone picking you up and laying you down. You felt something soft but rough on your forehead as you drifted into a deep sleep.

"Hot. It's hot... it's.. burning!"  

Eyes shooting open, you find yourself in an unfamiliar place. Steam room? Where could you be?

"What is this place?" You questioned out loud, voice echoing throughout the red room of pipes and smoke.

"I'm already coming down with a fever, the last thing I need is this hot place, my goodness."

Continuing to fan yourself, you walk around, observing the strange surroundings.

"Well well well, who do we have here?~"

A voice purred in your ear behind you, causing you to yelp.

"Who!-" Turning around you faced nothing.

"A lost kitten, it seems~" The silky voice continued to taunt you, as you spun around with each word.

"Wah- stop stop!" You squeaked, holding your head.

"Why? Are you afraid of me Y/n?"

"Um not really, I'm just seeing swirls in my eyes with all this spinning!" You giggled.


The voice fizzled into a man in front of you. 

"How about now, doll?"

You gasped at the sight.

He was wearing a green and red striped sweater and a fedora. He was burned all over, his face being the highlight of it all. On his right hand he wore a glove with bladed finger knives, looking extremely sharp.

"Oh, my..." You breathed out, with a concerned expression.


He looked confused as you walked over to the stranger.

Placing your hand on his cheek, he looked baffled and surprised by your actions.

"What happened?" You whispered, examining his face.

The man was barely taller than you, him being short as well. But being almost face to face with him, you were mostly worried for his injuries than his murderous aura. 

Snapping from his shaken up state, he pushed away your hand, glaring.

"Aren't you scared of me?!" He growled, grabbing your neck with his gloved hand, slicing a finger into you skin.

"Ouch!" You frowned, smacking his arm.

"Not nice." You scolded him like a child.

Shocked again, he released you and stepped back.


You pressed you hand on your cut, shaking your head.

"What your name, hun?"

"I'm Freddy Kruger! I'm the one who's going to kill you. I'm the master of dreams!"
He laughed sinisterly, ignoring your mother like tone.

"Well Kokopuff, I'm... not feeling so great." Your knees gave out as he quickly caught you by the hip. 

"Woah kitten, what's up with you?- Wait Kokopuff?" He glared as you leered.

"Pftt! It's cute. Also I think I have a fever." You started to lose focus.


Snapping, using his left fingers, the hot boiler room fizzled into a cool, comfortable room.

"Oh!"  You looked around, surprised.

"This is my world toots. Don't look so shocked." He grinned mischievously. 

"True. Though you looked shocked first." 

"Yeah yeah." He waved off your winning comment and sat you on a couch that appeared from thin air.

"Why am I here?" You asked, as he stuck a cooling pack he made, under your bangs and on your forehead.

"Well I was going to torture you to make fun of Hockey Puck." He shrugged like it was no big deal. 

"What?! Not-"

"Nice. Yeah I got it Miss Teacher." He rolled his eyes.

"Well, as long as you know." you smiled again, enjoying the grouchy man's presence.

"So~" He leaned in close, his chard nose booping yours.

"How about leaving that guy, for me?"

This time it was your turn to return the sass. Pushing his face back by the nose with your finger, you tutted.

"Tsk tsk. Oh KokoPuff, you have yet to learn the ways of a young maiden's heart."

"Oh? Why don't you teach me?" He persisted, blade gently going up you arm, making sure not to cut you.

Shivering from the cool touch, you blushed but remained strong.

"No way you dork." You winked, pretending to be flirtatious. 

"Jason is a sweetheart. I think I want to get to know him more." You gave a genuine smile, filled with kindness. 

"Suit yourself, kitten." He shrugged again, lifting both arms for effect.

Looking into the distance, Freddy seemed to be listening to something.

"Ah, the giant puppy is getting worried, so I'll let you go. Until next time, sweetheart~" He waved, tipping his brown fedora in the process.

The world disappeared as you started to wake up. Jason was at your side, gently shaking you. Sitting up, you felt the blood from your wound trickle down your neck. Wiping it, you also felt the ice pack on your head.

  "He was real..."  You thought, memories waking you up.

Even with the mask on, you knew he was concerned. You reached over and placed your hand over his. 

"So... you have a friend named Freddy, huh?" You teased.

You could've sworn you heard him sigh.

Nodding his head once he pulled you into another yet gentler hug.

Releasing you, he looked deep into your eyes, causing you to flush. It's just the fever, right?

"I-it's alright! He didn't hurt me. Er-" Holding your neck you gave a weary smile "-not that much."

He growled but you tugged onto his shirt.

"It's okay! I'm fine, really. Just a small fever. It'll go away with some medicine and rest."
You definitely didn't want a major show down between the two killers. You had children coming! No more dead bodies for now please.

Leaving the bed he watched you get pills from your backpack. After calming him down and assuring him they weren't bad drugs, he finally let you take them and go back to bed. Freddy wouldn't bother you now that he knew you wanted to be closer with Jason. Your dreams were filled with happy memories with Lil and your mom.

Jason never left your side the entire night, sitting next to you, just admiring your beauty. Sickness and all, you were his. He would make sure nobody could hurt you or take you away from him.

I Don't Mind the Rain Anymore- Jason Voorhees x ReaderKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat