chapter fourteen.

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Claudia got to school a bit late, which she apologized to her boss and kids. She placed the bags of snacks on her desk after she let her kids into the classroom. She quickly took out her laptop and found the PowerPoint with the plans of the day. She plugged in the laptop to the smart board and waited for every student to be seated.

"Okay! Listen up! Today's going to be a work day so if you know you're missing something then come up to my desk and I'll tell you what you're missing. If you turned everything in then you can take out your phones, read, color, just don't leave the room. Sorry, I can't give out passes today." The class groaned, earning a laugh from their teacher. "Let's get started, I'll be at my desk if you need me to check your missing assignments."

Claudia put on her Spotify playlist filled with songs that were appropriate to play in the school environment. The first song played, it was a Gorillaz song, 'On Melancholy Hill'. She let the playlist play as she helped students on their missing work.

Michael went up to her desk. Claudia was confused as to why. He always turned in his work on time and completed. She didn't think he needed help, but she was more than glad to answer his questions.

"Can I stay during lunch?" Michael asked.

"Of course, I'm always here during lunch," said Claudia with a smile. "you can come over anytime. You don't need to ask."

Michael nodded. "I was kinda hoping I could sleep until I got to my next class during lunch. I stayed up late."

Claudia did notice he seemed less cheery than his usual self. Michael always said goodmorning, goodbye and even brought her cookies every year on the last day of school. Michael was acting different. "Sure. If you want, you can take a nap right now. I'll make sure no one wakes up until it's time to go. Sounds good?"

Michael nodded once again. He walked over to the armchair Claudia had in the corner where her little library, as she liked to call it, was. Claudia even got out her small blanket she kept in the bottom drawer of her desk and gave it to Michael. Several students went up to Claudia's desk asking for their missing work. She gave it to them and went back to working on her other laptop.

Just as she was about to respond to an e-mail from another English teacher, Layna texted her.

Janis said if you want to go out to eat instead of making dinner.

Are you with her already?

Yeah, we're watching powerpuff girls. Dad got me out of school early, idk why but now I'm watching powerpuff girls so it doesn't matter

Okay, we can go out for dinner. Gtg back to my kids. I'll see you two later

Claudia put her phone down and looked back at her laptop screen that had tons of e-mails she still had to respond back to. It took several minutes, but she got back to answering all of them, occasionally answering questions her kids needed answered.
Class still had half an hour left and she was done with her work, after all, it was a work day.


I think Claudia did something to Ben

Who's Ben?

He's playing Billy Russo in my new punisher series, I told you this days ago

Can't really focus, I'm watching powerpuff girls with Layna

Anyway, he keeps talking about this girl he met AGAIN at Target. He told me she's an English teacher so I thought of Claudia

So they met again? In a Target? Lame

We met in a PetSmart parking lot

The girls don't know that, they think we met romantically so shut up about the PetSmart parking lot. I don't want to tell my grandkids that. They'll think I'm lame and I don't want to be the lame grandma.

Got it. We'll say we met in a haunted house and we barely made it out alive

Wait, what if we say I saved our asses from the demon?

Sure, honey. If it'll make you sound cool

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